
Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Travis-CI Build Status

Call an AzureML web service from R

Please please be careful with your API tokens (the numbers below are randomly generated to look like what you get with an Azure service)

# Use your numbers (below are not real numbers)
# Be careful where you put your auth tokens
result <-  azuremlService(list(WebInput = data.frame(x=1:5, y=LETTERS[1:5])),
                          region = "ussouthcentral",
                          workspace = "8550bbba99572fc47e18e5fdd53e43e2",
                          service = "4e7ebd7ad816cd9dd1cb1b17c4cdb0c7",
                          auth = "YTHDwNeuZbQLWHjOEKzMWjVihThTcmsIdRRFkSsvHaFoxZcKTjdFmFPaIsfN+OEdoZlGttMJQrzUPOvvLeCej==")



result <-  azuremlService(list(WebInput = data.frame(x=1:5, y=LETTERS[1:5])),
                url = "",
                auth = "YTHDwNeuZbQLWHjOEKzMWjVihThTcmsIdRRFkSsvHaFoxZcKTjdFmFPaIsfN+OEdoZlGttMJQrzUPOvvLeCej==")

The result is a named list of data frames. This is because you can have multiple outputs from AzureML services.


MIT © Mango Solutions

MangoTheCat/azuremlweb documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:37 p.m.