Man pages for MansMeg/PerspectiveTopicModel
Samples a perspetice topic model

assert_mallet_state_file_nameAssert that 'file_path' is a valide mallet state file
assert_non_zeroAssert a non_zero_type_topics list and a non_zero_doc_topics...
assert_stateAssert a perspective topic state object
get_constantsExtract constants from a state object
get_priors_for_iterationGet prior for iteration
init_counts_rInitialize count matrices (R implementation)
log_marginal_posteriorCompute log marginal posterior for a state file
log_marginal_posterior_computationLog-Marginal posterior
parametersConstructor for parameter object
per_sampler2_cppC++ Cache optimized Perspective sampler
per_sampler3_cppC++ Cache optimized Perspective sampler with prior on Phi
per_sampler4_cppC++ Cache optimized Perspective sampler with prior on Phi and...
per_sampler5_cppC++ Cache optimized Perspective sampler with prior on Phi,...
per_sampler_cppC++ Perspective sampler
perspective_samplerSample perspective in R
PerspectiveTopicModelPerspective Topic Model
prepare_prior_for_samplingPrepare the prior objects for sampling
priorsConstructor for prior object
read_mallet_statefileRead a Mallet state file into R
setup_log_marginal_posterior_tableSet up a table for when to calculate log marginal posterior
throw_state_warningsChecks state file and trow warnings for potential problems
write_mallet_statefileWrite a Mallet state from R
MansMeg/PerspectiveTopicModel documentation built on June 30, 2020, 9:20 a.m.