Man pages for MarcinKosinski/archivist.github
Tools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHub

addHooksToPrintGitHubAdd 'archivist' Hooks to 'rmarkdown' markdown/LaTeX Reports...
archiveArchive Artifact to Local and GitHub Repository
archivist-github-integrationArchivist Integration With GitHub
archivist.github-packageTools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via...
authoriseGitHubAuthorise with GitHub API
cloneGitHubRepoClone Github Repository
createGitHubRepoCreate an Empty Repository on GitHub
deleteGitHubRepoDelete the Existing GitHub Repository
pushGitHubRepoPush and Pull for Repository
MarcinKosinski/archivist.github documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:48 p.m.