Man pages for Marie-PerrotDockes/ModQTL

cv_grp_lassoDescription of the function
FPRDescription of the function
get_groupDescription of the function
get_group_bothDescription of the function
get_group_markerThis function give the group for r Traits if the group are...
gglasso_forstabDescription of the function
gglasso_st_totDescription of the function
grp_lassoDescription of the function
grpLassoQTLGive the result for a group lasso
grp_lasso_stDescription of the function
helloHello, World!
ord_betaDescription of the function
QTLmodDescription of the function
QTLmod_groupDescription of the function
QTLmod_group_multiDescription of the function
QTLmod_group_multi_bothDescription of the function
QTLmod_group_multi_markerDescription of the function
QTLmod_group_univDescription of the function
QTLmod_lassoDescription of the function
QTLmod_lasso_adaptiveDescription of the function
summary.stabselDescription of the function
TPRDescription of the function
trans_betaDescription of the function
univ_yDescription of the function
Marie-PerrotDockes/ModQTL documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:26 a.m.