knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
#themes: “default”, “cerulean”, “journal”, “flatly”, “readable”, “spacelab”, “united”, “cosmo”, “lumen”, “paper”, “sandstone”, “simplex”, “yeti"


Reproducibility of research is becoming more and more important (Nature special). If we can't reproduce research results, how can we use them for future research? What is the value of irreproducible conclusions? To improve reproducibility training is important to boost reproducibility (Nature,2016).

During this course we will introduce you to tools to make your code reproducible and re-usable for other researchers. As it's not possible to introduce you to all software we made a selection. Our focus will be on the reproducibility of code by introducing you to:

Course schedule

The course is given at the KNMI. Make sure you bring a passport or ID card. We meet in the reception hall downstairs.

| Time | Description | |------|-------------| | 09:00-09:15 | Welcome & Coffee | | 09:15-09:30 | Introduction | | 09:30-10:30 | Git & GitHub | | 10:30-10:45 | Coffee break | | 10:45-11:00 | R projects structure | | 11:00-11:30 | R Markdown | | 11:30-12:00 | Documentation of code | | 12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break | | 13:00-14:30 | Putting it all together: combining Rstudio with GitHub | | 14:30-14:45 | Coffee Break | | 14:45-15:15 | Test your function | | 15:15-16:00 | Documentation of data | | 16:00-17:00 | Round up practicals & time for questions | | 17:00-17:30 | Drinks |

Additional material:

What do I need for this course?

Git and GitHub


Below an example of how git works. We start from scratsh by creating a test directory and a test file test.txt. We are going to change the content of the file, and revert the changes. ```{bash, eval=FALSE} cd ~./Documents/test mkdir test cd test echo something > test.txt ls cat test.txt

git help git config --global "Your Name Comes Here" git config --global git init git add test.txt git commit -m 'first commit'

echo test > test.txt

git commit -am 'commiting something which is wrong...'

git reset HEAD~ cat test.txt

My suggestion would be to make this session interactive with some exercises. 

The following topics I would suggest for this course:


* Local version control
* Using git to modify a .txt file with some text
* Practice commit & revert 


* Introduction (movie or something): Collaboration multiple people
* Private vs. Public
* Branches
* Push and Pull
* Forking someone's repo

## Suggested reading
* [git tutorial](

# R projects 
## Package structure

## Loading a the code from GitHub
1. Go to the [scource code]( on GitHub and Fork the repository to your own account
2. Copy the https link using the button clone or download. 
3. Go to Rstudio, click on file, new project, version controls, git and paste the link. You can now work on the project from your own computer. 

![screen shot of the repository](/nobackup/users/dirksen/Reproducability-Reusability-course/vignettes/img/gihubrepo.png)

## R Markdown 

## Documentation of code

Function are saved in the R folder. To document the function roxygen2 is used. Below an example of a function with documentation:

#'@title Square area
#'@description Function to calculate the area of a square. Requires numeric input. 
#'@param length The length of the square [m]
#'@param width The width of the square [m]
#'@author Marieke Dirksen

  if(!inherits(length,"numeric") | !inherits(width,"numeric")) {
    message("Your length or width is not numeric")
  } else {



The function description is stored in .Rd files (folder man). To add your function description to the documentation of your package use:


Excercise 3.1

Create your own Function and document the code in a .Rd file.

  • Calculate the area of a circle
  • Volume of a shpere
  • Mean value from random numbers

Putting it all together: combining Rstudio with GitHub

Now you have created your own function in the project, documented the code and solved all errors and warnings its time for the next step: Putting your code back on GitHub.

Some suggestions for the course:

If there is more time:

Test your function

Sometimes your make small changes to your code without generating warnings or errors. It can however occur that the output of your function did change. To ensure that for the same input the function always generates the same output test functions are written. The test function in this package looks like this:

context("test square area")
test_that("square area equal",{

Excercise 3.2

Write a testthat function. An example is included in tests/testthat/
For more information check out the R journal on testthat

Excercise 3.3

Test the different options to built and reload your package.
There are buttons below Build, but you can use key combinations like: Ctrl+Shift+B, Ctrl+Shift+T and Ctrl+Shift+E Fix posible errors and warnings

Documentation of datasets

Example Jurian

Suggested reading

Appendix A: Relevant literature

Personally I also put a suggested reading at the end of each chapter, we could make a list of all the suggested reading and additional information here.

Appendix B: Take home messages

Appendix C: Protect your code with Travis CI

Points to include:

  • Short overview of other systems checking your code
  • What travis does and why it is usefull for your research

To this repository the .travis.yml file includes the following code:

language: R
sudo: false
cache: packages

Excercise 5.1

Put your repositories on Travis CI and pass the test.

Excercise 5.2

(a) Create a branch with an error (b) Merge a failed branch with the master (c) Revert the changes...we want a master without errors/warnings (d) Make your master branch protected (e) Try to merge the failed branch again

MariekeDirk/Reproducability-Reusability-course documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:07 p.m.