Man pages for MariekeDirk/solarEuR
Interpolation and time serie analysis of solar radation in Europe

calculate_time_average_rasterCalculate time averages from raster
countriesNatural earth country data
ensemblesRadiationdata from the ECA database
ensembles_metaMetadata from the ensembles dataset
generate_raster_based_on_netcdfGenerate raster from NetCDF
global_radiationGlobal Horizontal Radiation
mask2_topo_1kmNewest Land sea mask and topographic parameter
mask_topo_1kmLand sea mask and topographic parameter
sarah.gridSARAH solar irradiance dataset
synopsRadiation data from the synoptic stations
synops_metaMetadata from the ensembles dataset
MariekeDirk/solarEuR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:04 a.m.