```r knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "README-" )

##### Functions to access, visualise and combine marine data 
merpData provides R functions to manipulate marine data, as well as examples of workflow
specifically applied to UK resources. Currently functionalities include mapping, spatial 
and/or temporal matching of multiple data sources and wrappers for marine webservices.
A development version is also available where new functions are being openly created.

## Installation
merpData can be installed from github using the install_github function from the devtools package:
devtools::install_github(repo = "MarineEcosystemResearchProgramme/merpData")


Below is the list of available functions:
+ grid_data
+ grid_diversity

Each function has a help file which can be accessed in R by typing ? followed by the name of the function.

The Rmerp package is very much intended to be used alongside existing packages, notably robis, taxizesoap and mregions (for data enrichment) as well as ggplot2, ggmap and ggvis (for mapping and visualisation).

MarineEcosystemResearchProgramme/merpData documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:51 p.m.