quick_map: quick_map

View source: R/quick_map.R

quick_mapR Documentation



This function generates a simple leaflet plot for the output from Mar.bycatch functions.


  data = NULL,
  plotMARF = TRUE,
  clusterMARF = TRUE,
  overloadMARF = "cluster",
  plotMARFSurf = FALSE,
  marfSpp = NULL,
  plotISDB = TRUE,
  clusterISDB = TRUE,
  overloadISDB = "cluster",
  plotISDBSurf = FALSE,
  isdbField = "EST_COMBINED_WT",
  isdbSpp = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  vms = NULL,
  bathy = TRUE,
  surfRes = "low"



default is NULL. This is the entire output from any of the fleet wrappers.


default is TRUE. Should MARFIS data be plotted? If there are more than 1500 positions, the data will be displayed clustered.


default is TRUE. If TRUE, MARF data will be grouped until the map is zoomed in sufficiently If FALSE, every MARF data point will be shown. If the MARFIS data has > 1500 positions, it will be clustered regardless of this setting.


default is "cluster". Valid values are "cluster", and "random". This map gets really slow when dealing with many positions, and this parameter indicates what should be done with the MARFIS data if there are more sets than can reasonably be shown (i.e >1500). "cluster" causes the data to be shown as grouped symbols which expand into discrete points as you zoom in. "random" just grabs a random selection of 1500 points, and plots those.


default is FALSE. If TRUE, an interpolated surface will be generated for the MARFIS data. MARFIS point data will be interpolated using the "RND_WGT_KGS" field.


default is NULL. If nothing is provided, the default directed species will be pulled from the input data (e.g. if the data from fleet_halibut() is provided, halibut (i.e. "130" will be used.)) Any marfis species code(s) found in <data>$marf$MARF_CATCHES can be used.


default is TRUE. Should ISDB data be plotted? If there are more than 1500 positions, the data will be displayed clustered.


default is TRUE. If TRUE, ISDB data will be grouped until the map is zoomed in sufficiently If FALSE, every ISDB data point will be shown. If the ISDB data has > 1500 positions, it will be clustered regardless of this setting.


default is "cluster". Valid values are "cluster", and "random". This map gets really slow when dealing with many positions, and this parameter indicates what should be done with the ISDB data if there are more sets than can reasonably be shown (i.e >1500). "cluster" causes the data to be shown as grouped symbols which expand into discrete points as you zoom in. "random" just grabs a random selection of 1500 points, and plots those.


default is FALSE. If TRUE, an interpolated surface will be generated for the ISDB data. ISDB data contains several fields data for many species. By default, the interpolation will use the "EST_COMBINED_WT" field for the default directed species, but these options can be overwritten by changing the values of isdbField and isdbSpp, respectively.


default is "EST_COMBINED_WT". Other valid values are "EST_NUM_CAUGHT", "EST_KEPT_WT", and "EST_DISCARD_WT".


default is NULL. If nothing is provided, the default directed species will be pulled from the input data (e.g. if the data from fleet_halibut() is provided, halibut (i.e. "30" will be used.)). Any isdb species code(s) found in <data>$isdb$ISDB_CATCHES$ALL can be used. Entering "?" generates a user-selectable list of all of the available species.


default is NULL. This will be shown as the title of the map.


default is NULL. This is optional, but can be the output from get_vmstracks(). If provided, VMS data will be plotted.


default is TRUE. If TRUE, a bathymetry layer will be available.


default is "low". This determines the resolution of any output surfaces. Valid values are "low", "med" or "high". Higher values increase the time it takes to generate the surface.


a leaflet map.


Mike McMahon, Mike.McMahon@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

See Also

Other simpleproducts: get_vmstracks(), summarize_locations(), summarizer()


## Not run: 
redfishresults <- fleet_redfish(unit=3, year = "2017", useLocal=T,data.dir="c:/data/")
redfishVMS<-get_vmstracks(data = redfishresults,
                          oracle.username = "me",
                          oracle.password = "mypassword",
quick_map(data=redfishresults, vms= redfishVMS)
## End(Not run)

Maritimes/Mar.bycatch documentation built on Aug. 18, 2024, 8:43 a.m.