VMS_get_recs: VMS_get_recs

View source: R/VMS_get_recs.R

VMS_get_recsR Documentation



This function extracts VMS data for a given timespan and area. A time buffer can be added returns other points that are not within the area of interest, but give context to the path.


  fn.oracle.username = "_none_",
  fn.oracle.password = "_none_",
  fn.oracle.dsn = "_none_",
  usepkg = "rodbc",
  dateStart = NULL,
  dateEnd = NULL,
  vrnList = NULL,
  hrBuffer = 4,
  minLon = NULL,
  maxLon = NULL,
  minLat = NULL,
  maxLat = NULL,
  rowNum = 50000,
  quietly = F



default is '_none_' This is your username for accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for oracle.username stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), this can be left out and that value will be used. If a value for this is provided, it will take priority over your existing value.


default is '_none_' This is your password for accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for oracle.password stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), this can be left out and that value will be used. If a value for this is provided, it will take priority over your existing value.


default is '_none_' This is your dsn/ODBC identifier for accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for oracle.dsn stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), this can be left and that value will be used. If a value for this is provided, it will take priority over your existing value.


default is 'rodbc'. This indicates whether the connection to Oracle should use 'rodbc' or 'roracle' to connect. rodbc is slightly easier to setup, but roracle will extract data ~ 5x faster.


default is NULL. This is the start date ('YYYY-MM-DD') for your VMS data search


default is NULL. This is the end date ('YYYY-MM-DD') for your VMS data search. If this is left NULL, one year of data will be returned


default is NULL. A vector or VRNs can be added so that the only positions returned match particular vessel(s).


default is 4. This is the number of hours worth of VMS data you would like to pad your area search by. For example, if a vessel has a single VMS position in the results, padding it will add additional points before and after the intrusion which can illustrate what it was doing at the time.


default is NULL. This can be used to set a minimum Longitude


default is NULL. This can be used to set a maximum Longitude


default is NULL. This can be used to set a minimum Latitude


default is NULL. This can be used to set a maximum Latitude


default is 50000. This is the maximum number of VMS records that can be extracted. It is in place to prevent crashing your application.


default is FALSE. This indicates whether or not information about the process should be shown.


a dataFrame


Mike McMahon, Mike.McMahon@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

See Also

Other vms: VMS_clean_recs2(), VMS_clean_recs()

Maritimes/Mar.utils documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 9:10 p.m.