This uses cr_deploy_plumber to deploy an R API that can then be triggered from pub/sub events, such as Cloud logging events or when files get updated in a Cloud Storage bucket. This in turn can trigger other Cloud Builds.

A plumber API that accepts pub/sub messages is facilitated by cr_plumber_pubsub()


# example function echos back pubsub message
# change to do something more interesting with event data
pub <- function(x){
  paste("Echo:", x)

#' Receive pub/sub message
#' @post /pubsub
#' @param message a pub/sub message
  googleCloudRunner::cr_plumber_pubsub(message, pub)

Deploy the R API using an image that has plumber and googleCloudRunner installed. There is one available at



COPY [".", "./"]

ENTRYPOINT ["R", "-e", "pr <- plumber::plumb(commandArgs()[4]); pr$run(host='', port=as.numeric(Sys.getenv('PORT')))"]
CMD ["api.R"]

Put both the Dockerfile and the api.R script in the same folder then deploy it to Cloud Run:


Or use the RStudio gadget:

Once built you will have a pub/sub live that will trigger the function you defined. You can test pubsub messages via cr_pubsub()

test_url <- ""

cr_pubsub(test_url, "hello")
# [1] "Echo: hello"

In this case the function only echos, but you can modify the function to call other libraries, functions, operate on data sent in pubsub such as bucket object names, BigQuery tableIds, etc.

# perhaps the function calls another Cloud Build
pub <- function(x){
  cr_build(x, source = my_source)

If you would like to trigger a pub/sub message when a file arrives on Google Cloud Storage, use googleCloudStorageR::gcs_create_pubsub()

Run R code when a pub/sub message is created from a new file in Google Cloud Storage

This is a demo to show how to make use of Pub/Sub messages. Pub/Sub messages are used throughout the Google Cloud Platform, for this example we will use one for when a new object is created in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

A video walkthrough of the below is available here

The plumber API with pub/sub

The API endpoint in plumber needs an endpoint to recieve Pub/Sub messages, then an R function to process and do what you want with that message. In this case we shall email the file name to an end user. This could be expanded to do some R analysis, or what ever you need.

#' Send an email via mailgun
send_email <- function(message){
  message("sending email with message: ", message)

             httr::authenticate("api", Sys.getenv("MAILGUN_KEY")),
             encode = "form",
             body = list(
               subject="Message from Pub/Sub",


#' Recieve pub/sub message
#' @post /pubsub
#' @param message a pub/sub message

  pub <- function(x){
    o <- jsonlite::fromJSON(x)
    message("Echo:", o)
    send_email(paste("We got this file: ", o$name))

  googleCloudRunner::cr_plumber_pubsub(message, pub)


The above script relies on two environment arguments with the Mailgun keys, which can be set in the Cloud Run interface once a deployment is live. The environment arguments persist inbetween versions so you only need to set this up once.

For this example, the Dockerfile is a standard one with plumber and googleCloudRunner installed - you may need to add your own dependencies:

COPY ["./", "./"]
ENTRYPOINT ["R", "-e", "pr <- plumber::plumb(commandArgs()[4]); pr$run(host='', port=as.numeric(Sys.getenv('PORT')))"]
CMD ["api.R"]


This can be deployed via the RStudio Addin, or via the code below:

                  image_name = "gcs-pubsub")

After the first deployment, go to the web UI and Deploy New Revision - keep everything the same but update the environment arguments. These will persist for future revisions:

You can test the Pub/Sub API is working from R with the below code:

          jsonlite::toJSON(list(name = "test_file_from_r")))

Setup Pub/Sub

To activate Pub/Sub messages from a Google Cloud Storage bucket, use a service account with Cloud Storage Admin rights (note not Cloud Storage Object Admin).

In the Web UI of Pub/Sub set up a Topic:

You can only setup cloud storage pub/sub messages to this topic using the API, which can be done using googleCloudStorageR::gce_create_pubsub():

gcs_create_pubsub("your-topic", "your-project", "your-bucket")

Each topic can have many subscriptions. One of these will push to the Cloud Run URL set up in the previous step:

Add files to Google Cloud Storage

Now when a new file arrives into the bucket, it will:

  1. Trigger a Pub/Sub to the Subscription
  2. Pass on to the Pub/Sub Topic
  3. Push to Cloud Run
  4. Execute the plumber R code to send an email
  5. Arrive in your inbox

You can test it by uploading files either in the web UI or via

googleCloudStorageR::gcs_upload(mtcars, bucket = "your-bucket", 
                                name = paste(Sys.time(), "test"))

You will need to setup mailgun to stop it appearing in your spam folder, by verifying your domain etc.

MarkEdmondson1234/googleCloudRunner documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 5:45 p.m.