Man pages for MarkEdmondson1234/googleMeasureR
Track R use using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

gmr_enhanced_ecomBuild Enhanced Ecommerce hits
gmr_enhanced_indexCreate ecommerce index
gmr_hit_eventSend a event type hit
gmr_hit_pageSend a page type hit
gmr_hit_timingSend a timing type hit
gmr_postPost data to Measurement Protocol
gmr_uuidGenerate a UUID
helloHello, World!
is.NullObA helper function that tests whether an object is either NULL...
postwalkWalk into a list
replace.kvCreate a modified list
rmNullObsRecursively step down into list, removing all such objects
substitute.listSubstitute in a (nested) list
MarkEdmondson1234/googleMeasureR documentation built on Oct. 27, 2019, 9:02 p.m.