Man pages for MarkEdmondson1234/shinyga
Easier Google Authentication in Shiny

addMessageDataaddMessageData - creates another Message object
authDropdownRowauthDropdownRow - creates a row of GA authentication menus
authReturnCodeReturns the authentication parameter "code" in redirected...
createCodeCreates a random character code
doAuthMacroQuick setup of shinyGA authentication
doSegmentMacroQuick setup of shinyga segments
getAndMergeGAAccountsgetAndMergeGAAccounts - creates dataframe of all GA...
initMessageDatainitMessageData - creates Message object
MEgetDataMEgetData - does the actual fetch of GA data, called from...
metricSelectmetricSelect - creates a selection of which metric
processManagementDataTake GA API output and parses it into data.frame
renderAuthDropdownRowrenderAuthDropdownRow - creates a row of GA authentication...
rollupGArollupGA - get GA data from multiple Views
shinygashinyga: Easier Google Analytics Dashboards in Shiny.
shinygaGetAccountsGet GA Account data
shinygaGetAdWordsGet GA AdWords links
shinygaGetCustomDataSourcesGet GA customDataSources
shinygaGetCustomDimensionsGet GA customDimensions
shinygaGetCustomMetricsGet GA customMetrics
shinygaGetFiltersGet GA Filters
shinygaGetGoalsGet GA Goals
shinygaGetProfilesGet GA View data
shinygaGetSegmentsGet GA Segments
shinygaGetTokenReturns the authentication Token
shinygaGetTokenURLReturns the authentication URL
shinygaGetUsersGet GA Users
shinygaGetWebPropertiesGet GA Web Property data
MarkEdmondson1234/shinyga documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:34 p.m.