Man pages for MarkusLoew/CampbellLogger
Imports, combines Campbell logger files

Agface.locLocations of AgFace and Creswick campus site
CampbellAllImportImport several Campbell Science AgFace data logger *.dat...
CampbellCastFunction to re-organise Campbell data into a format suitable...
CampbellFileImportimport a Campbell logger *.dat file
CampbellLoggerImport and process Campbell logger data
CampbellSunriseSunsetCalculate sunrise and sunset times based on location and date...
GetSensorIDIdentify the SensorID associated with a specific sensor
MyKshPlotVisualise the Sap flow paramter Ksh for a given date
MyRecentPlotVisualise recent data measured by an AgFace Campbell...
MarkusLoew/CampbellLogger documentation built on March 22, 2022, 3:29 a.m.