average_daily_volume_sovereign: Average daily volume in Million Euro of sovereign bonds of...

Description Usage Format Source


A dataset containing the average daily volume of sovereign bonds for Germany, Spain, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, United States and the rest of the world starting in 2009 up to the end of 2019. Rest of the world: We have no data on the ADV in all the rest of exposures, because there are no or insufficient direct observations. Cont and Schaanning (2016) observe a high correlation between nominal debt outsanding and adv. They use this correlation by estimating unobserved ADV using regression techniques. We apply an even simpler estimate. We compute the share of nominal debt outstanding of our observed countries DE, ES, FR, IT, JP, GB, US in the total nominal government debt outstanding. We use this proportionality factor to impute an ADV on the residual position. The dataset is compiled by running the make_price_volume_data script in the data-raw folder. The exact compilation can be looked up in this script.




A data frame with 88 rows and 5 variables:


Country, ISO-code of the country.The rest of the world all excluding DE, ES, FR, IT, JP, UK, US is calles Total


Year, year of the observation


Volume, Average daily turnover volume in Million Euro


Unit, unit of Volume


Currency, currency of volume


The volume data are hand-collected from various sources on the internet DE https://www.deutsche-finanzagentur.de/en/institutional-investors/secondary-market/ ES https://www.tesoro.es/sites/default/files/estadisticas/15I.xlsx FR https://www.afme.eu/reports/data/details//Government-Bond-Data-Report-Q2-2019 IT https://infostat.bancaditalia.it/ JP https://asianbondsonline.adb.org/data-portal/ UK https://www.dmo.gov.uk/data/gilt-market/turnover-data/ US https://www.sifma.org/resources/research/us-treasury-trading-volume/ Total https://www.bis.org/statistics/secstats.htm and estimation of Cont and Schaanning 2017, equation (28)

Martin-Summer-1090/syslosseval documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 3:14 a.m.