
Defines functions read_mat

Documented in read_mat

#' @title Read a Matlab file
#' \code{read_mat()} can read Matlab files
#' @param file  A path to a file. Files ending with `.mat`.
#' @param names Include names of matlab objects (default = FALSE).
#' @return A vector or array with up to 3 dimensions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use \code{get_matlab()} to access the examples bundled with this package
#' # Read Matlab file with one object
#' \dontrun{read_mat(get_matlab("double-vec.mat"))}
#' # Read Matlab file with multiple objects
#' \dontrun{read_mat(get_matlab("multi-object.mat"))}
read_mat <- function(file, names = FALSE) {
  # file name
  fl <- fs::path_file(file) |>
  # file
  rm <- read_mat_(file)
  if (isTRUE(names)) {
    # set names of list
    nm <- get_names_(file)
    rm <- stats::setNames(rm ,nm)
  # add file name as attribute
  attr(rm, "file") <- fl
MartinSchobben/readmat documentation built on May 22, 2022, 11:44 a.m.