get_class: A function to get the classification of each galaxy in a...

View source: R/get_class.R

get_classR Documentation

A function to get the classification of each galaxy in a catalog.


This function allows you to estimate the orbital classification of each galaxy inside a catalog using phase-space information.


get_class(cat, model, type = "prob", threshold = 0)



Data frame with the galaxy catalog. It should have as columns the distance to the cluster center normalized to the virial radius of each cluster ('r') and the line-of-sight velocity relative to the cluster normalized to the line-of-sight velocity of the cluster ('v').


Machine Learning model to be used for the classification.


Output of the machine learning algorithm. Either 'prob' for probabilities or 'class' for the most probable class. Default 'prob'.


If type = 'prob' this is the probability threshold to determine the predicted class of a certain galaxy. If threshold = 0, the function returns the full probility vector. Default = 0.


model: There are 3 available models. knn for a K-nearest neighbour, svm for a Support Vector Machine and rf for a Random Forest. See XXXX.XXXX for more ddetails on the models.


get_class(cat, knn, type = 'prob', threshold = 0.5)

Martindelosrios/pratto documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 12:17 p.m.