
library(LFQProcessing, quietly = TRUE)
library(testthat, quietly = TRUE)

acceptance_test<- function(tolerance = 10**-3){
  test_that("LFQ Experiment where we remove some samples in the experiment design", {
    # remove it if it exists
    if (file.exists("../data/PXD026936/output/proteinGroups_quant_intensities.txt")) {
      #Delete file if it exists
    protein_quant_runner("../data/PXD026936", "../data/PXD026936/output", protein_only = TRUE)
    current = read.table("../data/PXD026936/output/proteinGroups_quant_intensities.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
    expected = read.table("../data/PXD026936/output/expected_proteinGroups_quant_intensities.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
    approx_same = all.equal(expected, current, tolerance = tolerance)
    expect_true(approx_same) #tolerate small differences
    expect_false("OE0906_28375" %in% current$file_name) # should be out
    expect_true("OE0906_28349" %in% current$file_name) # should be in

MassDynamics/lfq_processing documentation built on May 4, 2023, 11:20 p.m.