Man pages for MathiasHarrer/dmetar
Companion R Package for the Guide 'Doing Meta-Analysis in R'

BdiScoresBDI-II and HAM-D Scores in Clinical Depression Trials
ChernobylIonizing Radiation from Chernobyl and Mutation Rates in...
DepressionMortalityEffect of Depression on All-Cause Mortality
direct.evidence.plotPlot for direct evidence proportions in a network...
dmetardmetar: Companion R package for the guide 'Doing...
EatingDisorderPreventionPrevention of Eating Disorders at Universities dataset
eggers.testPerform Egger's test of the intercept
find.outliersFind Statistical Outliers in a Meta-Analysis
forest.find.outliersPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
forest.subgroup.analysis.mixed.effectsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
gosh.diagnosticsIdentify studies contributing to heterogeneity patterns found...
HealthWellbeingAssociation of Health and Well-being dataset
InfluenceAnalysisInfluence Diagnostics
m.goshGOSH plot dataset
mlm.variance.distributionCalculate I-squared values and variance distribution for...
multimodel.inferencePerform multimodel inference with a meta-regression model
MVRegressionDataToy Dataset for Multivariate Meta-Regression
NetDataGemtcToy Dataset for Network Meta-Analyses using the gemtc package
NetDataNetmetaToy Dataset for Network Meta-Analysis using the netmeta...
NNTCalculate the number needed to treat (NNT)
OpioidMisusePrevalence of Prescription Opioid Misuse in US Adolescents...
pcurvePerform a _p_-curve analysis, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.eggers.testPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.find.outliersPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.gosh.diagnosticsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.InfluenceAnalysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.mlm.variance.distributionPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.multimodel.inferencePrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.power.analysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.power.analysis.subgroupPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.subgroup.analysis.mixed.effectsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
plot.sucraPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
pool.groupsPool the results of two treatment arms
power.analysisA priori power calculator
power.analysis.subgroupA priori power calculator for subgroup contrasts, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.eggers.testPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.find.outliersPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.gosh.diagnosticsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.InfluenceAnalysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.mlm.variance.distributionPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.multimodel.inferencePrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.NNTPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.pcurvePrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.power.analysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.power.analysis.subgroupPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.subgroup.analysis.mixed.effectsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
print.sucraPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
rob.summaryCreate a RevMan-style risk of bias summary chart
se.from.pCalculate the standard error from the effect size and p-value
SleepProblemsFactor Structure of Sleep Complaints data set
subgroup.analysis.mixed.effectsSubgroup analysis using a mixed-effects model
sucraCalculate the Surface Under the Cumulative Ranking score of...
SuicidePreventionEffects of Suicide Prevention on Suicidal Ideation (toy..., summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.eggers.testPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.find.outliersPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.gosh.diagnosticsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.InfluenceAnalysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.mlm.variance.distributionPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.multimodel.inferencePrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.pcurvePrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.power.analysisPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.power.analysis.subgroupPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
summary.subgroup.analysis.mixed.effectsPrint, summary and plot methods for objects created using...
TherapyFormatsDifferential Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Delivery...
TherapyFormatsGeMTCDifferential Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Delivery...
ThirdWave'Third-Wave' cognitive behavioral interventions for perceived...
MathiasHarrer/dmetar documentation built on April 4, 2024, 6:57 p.m.