opts_chunk$set(include = TRUE, echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE)
data <- params$data
data_quality <- quality(data = data, numeric_cutoff = -1, na_type = params$na_type)
quality_info <- data_quality$global
quality_output <- data_quality$table

Global figures

The table has r quality_info$n_cols columns and r quality_info$n_rows rows (r quality_info$n_unique are unique). There are r round(quality_info$n_missing / (quality_info$n_cols * quality_info$n_rows) * 100, digits = 0)% missing values in the dataset.

if(!is.null(params$na_threshold)) {
  quality_output <- quality_output %>% 
      `Missing values` = ifelse(
        `Percentage of missing values` <= params$na_threshold[1],
        cell_spec(`Missing values`, format = "html", color = 'green'),
          `Percentage of missing values` > params$na_threshold[2],
          cell_spec(`Missing values`, format = "html", color = 'red'),
          cell_spec(`Missing values`, format = "html", color = 'orange')
      percent = `Percentage of missing values`,
      `Percentage of missing values` = ifelse(
        `Percentage of missing values` <= params$na_threshold[1],
        cell_spec(`Percentage of missing values`, format = "html", color = 'green'),
          `Percentage of missing values` > params$na_threshold[2],
          cell_spec(`Percentage of missing values`, format = "html", color = 'red'),
          cell_spec(`Percentage of missing values`, format = "html", color = 'orange')
      `Percentage of missing values` = color_bar("lightblue", fun = function(x) x / 100)(percent)
kable(x = quality_output, format = 'html', escape = FALSE, digits = 2, format.args = list(decimal.mark = ".", big.mark = " ")) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "responsive"), full_width = F, position = "center")

Missing values

plotMissing(data, na_type = params$na_type, order = params$order)

MathieuMarauri/explorer documentation built on Jan. 8, 2020, 6:37 p.m.