Man pages for MatthewHeun/Recca
R Energy Conversion Chain Analysis

add_edge_idsAdd edge ID numbers to an edge list
add_node_idsAdd node ID numbers to an edge list
aggregate_colsAggregate data frame column names
alloc_colsColumns in a data frame that contains final-to-useful...
all_stagesAll energy conversion chain stages
any_start_withTell if any of a vector of strings starts with another string
calc_ACalculate *Z*, *K*, *C*, *D*, *A*, *B*, and *O* matrices
calc_agg_eta_pfusCalculate aggregations and efficiencies
calc_aggregates_from_ecc_primeCalculate aggregates from list of reconstructed ECCs
calc_ECalculate the 'E' matrix for embodied energy calculations
calc_E_EIOUCalculate embodied EIOU per industry output
calc_embodied_EIOUCalculate various embodied EIOU matrices
calc_embodied_etasEmbodied energy efficiencies
calc_embodied_matsCalculate various embodied energy matrices
calc_eroisCalculate EROIs
calc_ERRs_gammaCalculate energy return ratios for the gamma system boundary.
calc_eta_fu_Y_eiouCalculate final-to-useful efficiencies for final demand and...
calc_eta_iCalculate industry efficiencies
calc_eta_pfdCalculate aggregate (total) efficiencies
calc_F_footprint_effectsUpstream footprint and downstream effects matrices
calc_GHCalculate the 'G' and 'H' matrices for embodied energy...
calc_io_matsCalculate several input-output matrices
calc_LCalculates total requirements matrices (*L_pxp* and *L_ixp*...
calc_MCalculate embodied energy matrices
calc_mats_locations_excelCalculate the origin and extent for each matrix
calc_yqfgWCalculate *y*, *f*, *g*, *q*, *h*, and *r* vectors and the...
chop-docChop the *R* and *Y* matrices and swim downstream/upstream
combine_RVCombine resource ('R') and make ('V') matrices into a make...
cooling_eu.productsA list of Cooling useful work products
create_sankey_colour_stringCreate a Javascript colour string appropriate for networkD3...
dataData pronoun
despecified_aggregatesDespecify and aggregate PSUT matrices
edge_listCreate an edge list
efficiency_colsEfficiency data frame column names
energy_typesA list of energy types
euproduct_aggregation_mapA list of Name - Eu.product list combinations
extend_fu_details_to_exergyExtend the final-to-useful details matrices from energy to...
extend_to_exergyExtend an ECC in PSUT format from energy to exergy
finaldemand_aggregatesFinal demand energy and exergy aggregates
find_p_industry_namesScrape primary industry names from R, V, and Y matrices
flows_unit_homogeneousTell whether industry flows (inputs and outputs) are...
get_all_products_and_industriesCreate lists of all products and industries
grouped_aggregatesPerform grouping aggregations on PSUT matrices
hpm_eu.productsA list of High pressure matter (HPM) useful work products
hth_eu.productsA list of High temperature heat (HTH) useful work products
industry_colsPrimary industry column names
inputs_outputs_unit_homogeneousTell whether industry inputs are unit-homogeneous and...
inputs_unit_homogeneousTell whether each industry's inputs are unit-homogeneous
ip_eu.productsA list of Information processing useful work products
l_eu.productsA list of Light useful work products
lth_eu.productsA list of Low temperature heat (LTH) useful work products
make_sankeyMake a Sankey diagram
mechanical_eu.productsA list of Mechanical useful work products
mth_eu.productsA list of Medium temperature heat (MTH) useful work products
neu_eu.productsA list of Non-energy use useful work products
new_k_psAssess the effect of changing perfectly substitutable...
new_R_psCalculates downstream effects of a new level of extracted...
new_YReconstruct an economy given a new final demand matrix
node_listCreate a node list
nonenergy_productsNon-energy products
outputs_unit_homogeneousTell whether industry outputs are unit-homogeneous
PerfectSubmatsExample energy conversion chain to demonstrate perfect...
PerfectSubtidyExample energy conversion chain to demonstrate perfect...
pfu_aggregatesAggregate to primary, final, and useful stages
phi_vecA vector of phi (exergy-to-energy ratios) values
pipePipe operator
primary_aggregatesPrimary energy and exergy aggregates
prod_ind_names_colnamesNames of data frame columns containing Product and Industry...
products_unit_homogeneousTell whether ECC products are unit-homogenous
propulsion_eu.productsA list of Propulsion useful work products
psut_colsPhysical Supply-Use Table (PSUT) data frame column names
quasi-quote-assignPipe operator
region_aggregatesAggregate PSUT matrices into regions
remove_neuRemove Non-energy use from an energy conversion chain
replace_html_codesUn-escape HTML codes in text
resource_industriesResource industries
reverseReverse an energy conversion chain
row_col_typesNames of row and column types in PSUT matrices
sankey_colsSankey diagram data frame column names
separate_RVSeparate resource ('R') and make ('V') matrices from make...
simplify_edge_listSimplify an edge list
startsWith_any_ofTell if a string starts with any of a vector of strings
S_units_from_tidyExtract an 'S_units' matrix from a tidy data frame
UKEnergy2000matsEnergy consumption in the UK in 2000
UKEnergy2000tidyEnergy consumption in the UK in 2000
verify_chop_energy_sumVerify energy sum after chop calculations
verify_IEATable_energy_balanceConfirm that an IEA-style data frame conserves energy.
verify_SUT_energy_balanceConfirm that an SUT-style data frame conserves energy.
verify_SUT_energy_balance_with_unitsConfirm that an SUT-style data frame conserves energy.
verify_SUT_industry_productionConfirm that all Industries in an SUT-style data frame...
waste_edgesCreate waste energy edges for an edge map
write_ecc_to_excelWrite energy conversion chain matrices in an Excel file
MatthewHeun/Recca documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 10 p.m.