Man pages for MatthewHeun/SEAPSUTWorkflow
Functions and Workflows for Primary-Final-Useful Societal Exergy Analysis Within the PSUT Framework

agg_metadataAggregation groups metadata information
aggregate_productsAggregate by product
all_countriesAll countries and selected country groups
alloc_graphGenerate an allocation graph
alloc_plots_dfCreate allocation graphs in a data frame
assemble_eta_fu_tablesAssemble completed final-to-useful efficiency tables
assemble_fu_allocation_tablesAssemble completed final-to-useful allocation tables
assemble_phi_u_tablesAssemble completed phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) tables
cache_infoCache information
calc_C_matsAdd allocation matrices to a data frame
calc_eta_fu_phi_u_vecsAdd efficiency ('eta') and exergy-to-energy ratio ('phi')...
calc_phi_pf_vecsCreate a data frame of phi_pf vectors
calculate_finaluseful_ex_dataCreate a data frame containing final and useful aggregate...
calculate_fu_ex_productCalculate total final consumption of final and useful energy...
calculate_fu_ex_sectorCalculate total final consumption of final and useful energy...
calculate_fu_ex_totalCalculate total final consumption of final and useful energy
calculate_p_ex_flowCalculate total primary energy by flow
calculate_p_ex_productCalculate total primary energy by product
calculate_p_ex_totalCalculate total energy supply
calculate_primary_ex_dataCreate a data frame containing primary aggregate...
canonical_countriesCanonical countries
clean_targetsCleans drake targets
create_fd_sectors_listCreate a list containing final demand sectors
dataData pronoun
dir_create_pipePipe-amenable directory creation
double_counted_countriesDouble-counted countries
eta_fu_graphGenerate an eta_fu graph
eta_fu_plots_dfCreate eta_fu graphs in a data frame
exemplar_listsCreate exemplar lists from an exemplar table
exemplar_namesExemplar table names
extract_country_dataExtract specific country data
generate_eta_fu_templateCreate a final-to-useful efficiencies template
generate_fu_allocation_templateCreate a final-to-useful allocation template
get_all_pwt_dataGet all pwt10 data for a set of countries
get_eta_filepathsGet all file paths to machine efficiency files
get_fd_sectorsRetrieve a list of final demand sectors
get_L_K_GDP_dataCreate a dataframe containing capital (K), labor (L), and GDP...
get_p_industry_prefixesRetrieve primary industry prefixes
get_planCreate a drake plan for societal exergy analysis
gross_net_metadataGross or Net metadata information
is_balancedTells whether IEA data are balanced
load_country_concordance_tableLoad a country concordance table
load_eta_fu_tablesLoad FU efficiency tables
load_exemplar_tableRead an exemplar table from an Excel file
load_fu_allocation_tablesLoad FU allocation tables
machine_constantsInformation about the machine efficiency files
make_balancedBalance IEA data
make_psutConvert to PSUT matrices
move_to_exergyMove from all exergy quantities to all energy quantities in...
move_to_usefulMove the last stage of the energy conversion chain from final...
nonstat_alloc_graphGenerate an allocation graph which contains non-stationary...
nonstat_alloc_plots_dfCreate non-stationary allocation graphs in a data frame
phi_sourcesSources for phi (exergy-to-energy ratio) data
phi_u_graphGenerate an phi_u graph
phi_u_plots_dfCreate phi_u graphs in a data frame
pipePipe operator
product_aggregation_mapA map for aggregating products
read_all_eta_filesCreate a data frame containing machine Eta.fu and Phi.u...
readd_by_countryRead a subtarget based on country
release_targetSave a target to a pinboard.
sample_exemplar_table_pathGives a file path to a sample exemplar table
sample_machine_workbook_pathGives a file path to a sample machine excel workbook
sea_colsPFUWorkflow data frame column names
sep_eta_fu_phi_uChoose eta.fu or phi.u columns from a data frame of eta.fu...
socioecon_colsSocioeconomic data column names
specifySpecify the IEA data
stash_cacheSave the cache to a zip file, then to...
sum_phi_vecsSums phi_pf and phi_u vectors
target_namesDrake cache target names
MatthewHeun/SEAPSUTWorkflow documentation built on April 22, 2022, 2:21 p.m.