knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Risk Classification

The risk simulation is based on research on the benefit of repeated sampling in understanding risk conducted by the University of Mannheim. See!/ for further information. The portfolio is constructed according to the risk assessment conducted in the beginning of the App, where each risk class corresponds to a yearly standard deviation as a proxy for risk.

Investment Universe

The portfolio has been constructed in accordance with the country and industry preferences specified. Geographically, your portfolio includes securities listed in the following countries: r input$mymap_groups.

if (is.null(input$industry1)) {
        cat("In terms of industries, you did not specify any restrictions, 
            i.e. all industries are used in the portfolio construction.")
    } else {
        cat("The industries that have been chosen to exclude are: ")
        cat(input$industry1, sep = ", ")

Your Performance

if (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) {

        portfoliofinal <<- indexpf(

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Short Bond Portfolio") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                           "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey"))+

##### long bond only ###########################################################

      if ((input$rpref2 == 2 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon > 5 &&
           input$inv_horizon <= 10)) {

        portfoliofinal <<- indexpf(
        equityinvestment <<- 0

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Long Bond Portfolio") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +

##### minimum variance PF ######################################################

      if ((input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         #redundant but included so that the number of conitions = number of PFs
          (input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon > 5 &&
           input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 2 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {

####### split the required input df into sub-df's to make them optimizable #####
        finaldata <- datasplit(newData())
        portfoliofinal <<- minvarpf(finaldata)
        equityinvestment <<- 0

####### include the performance plot in Shiny ##################################
        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Minimum Variance Portfolio") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +


###### Equity + longbond overweight bond #######################################

      if (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon > 10) {

        finaldata <- datasplit(newData())

        finalpf <- optimpf(finaldata)

        longbondindexed <- indexpf(
        portfoliofinal <<- equityanddeptpf(finalpf, longbondindexed, 0.2)

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Sharpe Ratio optimized Equity Portfolio with 80% Longterm Debt") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +

        equityinvestment <<- 0.2

############################ risk parity #######################################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon > 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {

        finaldata <- datasplit(newData())

        finalpf <- optimpf(finaldata)

        longbonddf <-
        commoditydf <-

        portfoliofinal <<- riskparitypf(finalpf, longbonddf, commoditydf)
        equityinvestment <<- as.numeric(portfoliofinal[2])
        portfoliofinal <<-[1])

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date, portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Risk Parity Portfolio with Sharpe Ratio optimized Equity Part") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +


########################### equity + longbond overweight equity ################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {

        finaldata <- datasplit(newData())

        finalpf <- optimpf(finaldata)

        longbondindexed <- indexpf(
        portfoliofinal <<- equityanddeptpf(finalpf, longbondindexed, 0.8)
        equityinvestment <<- 0.8

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot, benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size =1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Sharpe Ratio optimized Equity Portfolio with 20% Longterm Debt") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +


################################ Pure Equity? ##################################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon > 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {

        finaldata <- datasplit(newData())

        portfoliofinal <<- optimpf(finaldata)
        equityinvestment <<- 1

        portfolioplot <- cbind(ovr$Date,portfoliofinal)
        names(portfolioplot) <- c("Date","Portfolio")
        portfolioplot$Date <- strptime(as.character(portfolioplot$Date), "%d/%m/%Y")
        portfolioplot$Date <- as.Date(format(portfolioplot$Date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
        portfolioplot <- cbind(portfolioplot,benchmark)

        plotfinal <- ggplot()+
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, Portfolio, group = 1, colour = "Your Portfolio"), size = 1) +
          geom_line(data = portfolioplot, aes(
            Date, benchmark, group = 1, colour = "MSCI World Benchmark"), size = 1) +
          labs(x = "Year", y = "Portfoliodevelopement",
               title = "Sharpe Ratio optimized 100% Equity Portfolio") +
          scale_x_date(date_breaks = "2 years")+
          scale_colour_manual("", values = c("Your Portfolio"="blue", 
                                             "MSCI World Benchmark"="grey")) +
if (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) {
  cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified a pure bond investment as the most
      suitable for you.")


##### long bond only ###########################################################

      if ((input$rpref2 == 2 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon > 5 &&
           input$inv_horizon <= 10)) {
       cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified a pure bond investment as the most
      suitable for you.")


##### minimum variance PF ######################################################

      if ((input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         #redundant but included so that the number of conitions = number of PFs
          (input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon > 5 &&
           input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 2 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {

####### split the required input df into sub-df's to make them optimizable #####
        cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified a minimum variacne investment as the most
      suitable for you.")


###### Equity + longbond overweight bond #######################################

      if (input$rpref2 == 1 && input$inv_horizon > 10) {
        cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified an equity and long bond investment as the most
      suitable for you, where bond are overweighted.")


############################ risk parity #######################################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 3 && input$inv_horizon > 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 4 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {
        cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified a risk parity investment strategy as the most
      suitable for you.")


########################### equity + longbond overweight equity ################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
         (input$rpref2 == 5 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {
          cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified an equity and long bond investment as the most
      suitable for you, where equity is overweighted.")


################################ Pure Equity? ##################################
      if ((input$rpref2 == 6 && input$inv_horizon > 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon <= 5) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon > 5 && input$inv_horizon <= 10) ||
          (input$rpref2 == 7 && input$inv_horizon > 10)) {
        cat("You have chosen a risk preference of level", input$rpref2, ", and an investment horizon of", input$inv_horizon, "years. According to these
      specifications we have identified a pure equity investment as the most
      suitable for you.")


Performance Metrics. Historically, the portfolio that has been construceted for you has had an average return of r paste0(round((averagereturn(portfoliofinal) * 100)), "%") and a yearly standard derviation of r paste0(round((yearlystd(portfoliofinal) * 100)), "%"). This means that after r input$inv_horizon years, i.e. the investment horizon that you have specified, you can expect a terminal wealth of r as.character(round(((1+(averagereturn(portfoliofinal)))^input$inv_horizon)*input$initial_wealth)). Regarding downside risk, the portfolio has experienced a maximum drawdown of r paste0(round((maxdrawdown(portfoliofinal) * 100)), "%"), indicating the maximum loss that has historically occured. Finally, the portfolio has a sharpe ratio of r round((averagereturn(portfoliofinal)/yearlystd(portfoliofinal)), 2), which shows the magnitude of the compensation for each unit of risk taken in terms of return in excess of the risk free rate.

MatthiasSpeicher/gryffindorrobo documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 2:15 a.m.