Man pages for MatthieuStigler/multiDiff
Multi-year diff-diff and FE decompositions

DDCompute the diff-and-diff by period. \lifecycleexperimental
DD_manuDiff Diff manual table
DD_manu_manyMulti-year diff and diff, manually
DiD_aggregCount the treated/control from 'DD'.
FE_decompoDecomposition of fixed-effects weights
GentzkowDataDataset from Gentzkwow et al (2011)
lag_groupLag a variable by group
mdd_CSApply Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) estimate
mdd_data_formatDiff Diff manual table
mdd_DD_means22Estimate DiD 2x2 means
mdd_DD_simpleEstimate simple did
mdd_event_studyEvent study
mdd_group_meansCompute group means by time period
mdd_synthdidRun synthetic diff-diff
mdd_test_placeboRun placebo test for DiD
mdd_test_pre_trend_meansConduct parallel pre-trends test
mDid_weights_CHWeights from Chaisemartin and Hautefeuille
multiDiffmultiDiff: multi-period diff-and-diff
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
sim_datSimulate data
tidy.synthdid_estimateTidy a 'synthdid_estimate' object
MatthieuStigler/multiDiff documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 8:13 a.m.