Man pages for MattisvdBergh/LCT
Estimate a Latent Class Tree model with Latent GOLD 5.1

computeEdgesCompute the layout of a Latent Class Tree
computeEdgesSplitsCompute the layout of a Latent Class Tree
CrayenDataset on wel being
exploreTree3-step method Latent Class Trees
LCGTEstimate a Latent Class Growth Tree model
LCTEstimate a Latent Class Tree model
MoodRegulationDataset on well being
plot1TreePlot the profile plots of a LCT in one image
plot1TreeExplPlot the profile plots of a LCT in one image
plot1treeQPlot a growing tree
plotExplTreeCovPlot figures with the mean or proportion of the covariates...
plotLayoutLCTPlot the layout of a Latent Class Tree
plotLCTexplPlot figures with the mean or proportion of the covariates...
plotLCTLevelsPlot the class means or conditinal probabilities of every...
plotLCTSplitsPlot the class means or conditinal probabilities of every...
plotLCTSplitsNoColPlot the class means or conditinal probabilities of every...
print.LCTPrint tree results to the terminal
relImprCompute relative improvement at the root of the tree
SocialCapitalDataset on Social Capital
MattisvdBergh/LCT documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:50 a.m.