
This package provied a environment to the well-known Spoonacular website. This website provides all kinds of information about food, nutrition and everything connected to it.


Before looking at the code one must set up an application on RapidAPI in order to receive a token and beeing able to access the data.

Spoonacular only provides a freemium API, so be careful with the amount of data requested.

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Core Functionalities


Given a list of ingredients the first package function can return a certain number of recipe recommendations.

get_recommendations(list("beer", "deer"), 10, your_key)

Recipe Summary

Then, once one decided which the prefered recipe is, it is possible to get the summary of the recipe of choice.

get_recipe("985221", your_key)

MaxZeb/RecipeRecommender documentation built on June 6, 2019, 12:01 a.m.