
"logLik.drc" <- function(object, ...)
    ## Retrieving the value of the log likelihood function evaluated at the parameter estimates

    if (inherits(object, "bindrc"))
        llVal <- object$loglik[3]
        attr(llVal, "df") <- object$loglik[5] - object$loglik[4]
        attr(llVal, "nobs") <- nrow(object$data) # <--  extension provided by Tobias Verbeke
    } else {

#        llVal <- summary(object)[[4]][1]
#        if (object$"type"=="continuous")
#        {
            loglik <- (object$estMethod$llfct)(object)
            llVal <- loglik[1]
            attr(llVal, "df") <- loglik[2]   
            attr(llVal, "nobs") <- nrow(object$data) # <--  extension provided by Tobias Verbeke       
#        }

#        if (object$"type"=="binomial")
#        {
#            degfre <- object$summary[6]
#            total <- (object$"data")[,5]
#            success <- total*(object$"data")[,2]    
#            llVal <- sum(log(choose(total, success))) - object$fit$ofvalue

#            attr(llVal, "df") <- object[[4]][7] - object[[4]][6]            
#        }
#        numVarPar <- 1  # + 1 to add variance parameter
#        if (object$"type"=="binomial") {numVarPar <- 0}
#        attr(llVal, "df") <- object[[4]][7] - object[[4]][6] + numVarPar
#        attr(llVal, "df") <- object[[4]][6]

    class(llVal) <- "logLik"
MaximeBSanofi/drc2 documentation built on Feb. 22, 2022, 12:02 a.m.