Man pages for MaximeRivest/scimeetr
Scientometrics Meet R

add_table_freqMake frequencies table
as.scimeetrFrom data frame to scimeetr
characterize_abCharacterize words found within papers' abstract
characterize_auCharacterize authors found within papers' titles
characterize_coCharacterize bibliometric corpus with countries
characterize_joCharacterize bibliometric corpus with journals.
characterize_kwCharacterize bibliometric corpus with keywords.
characterize_tiCharacterize bibliometric corpus with titles.
characterize_unCharacterize bibliometric corpus with universities.
clusterizeWrapper of igraph community algorithms
compare_scimapCompare the communities in a scimeetr object
couplingMake graph based on coupling
dive_toDive to a sub-community and keep its sub-communities
find_citerFind publication citer
find_citers_of_other_comFind papers of one community that cite most the papers in an...
focus_onFocus on only one community
get_synonymsFind similar words
import_scopus_filesImport and Merge Scopus Files into a scimeetr list
import_wos_filesImport and Merge Web of Science Files into a Data Frame
import_wos_files_shineImport and Merge Web of Science Files into a Data Frame
make_recidMake a recid that math the RECID from the function split_cr()
merge_scimapsMerge scimaps
merge_scopus_and_wosMerge data from scopus and Web of Science together
plot_citer_networkPlot citer network
plot_publication_networkPlot publication network colored by sub-communities
plot.scimeetrsumPlot scimeetr summary
plot_subcommunitiesPlot network of sub-communities
print.scimeetrPrint scimeetr
print.scimeetrsumPrint scimeetr summary
rl2dfsciFind list content in dfsci database
scilistMake reading lists
scilist_allMake all reading lists
scimapFinds research communities
scimeetr-packageScientometrics Meet R.
scishineStart shiny app to use scimeetr interactively
split_crSplit cited references into first author, year, journal, etc.
summary.scimeetrSummary scimeetr
wcouplingWord coupling
MaximeRivest/scimeetr documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:51 a.m.