
Defines functions get_golem_config app_sys

#' Access files in the current app
#' @param ... Character vector specifying directory and or file to
#'     point to inside the current package.
#' @noRd
app_sys <- function(...){
  system.file(..., package = "tidyCDISC")

#' Read App Config
#' @param value Value to retrieve from the config file. 
#' @param config R_CONFIG_ACTIVE value. 
#' @param use_parent Logical, scan the parent directory for config file.
#' @noRd
get_golem_config <- function(
  config = Sys.getenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE", "default"), 
  use_parent = TRUE
    value = value, 
    config = config, 
    # Modify this if your config file is somewhere else:
    file = app_sys("golem-config.yml"), 
    use_parent = use_parent
MayaGans/tidyCDISC documentation built on April 25, 2023, 8:33 p.m.