Man pages for MazamaScience/AirSensor
Process and Display Data from Air Quality Sensors

AirSensorData access and analysis functions for PurpleAir sensor data
AIRSENSOR_1_PAT_FIELDSComma-separated list of fields needed to create AirSensor pat...
APIKeysWork with API keys
ArchiveBaseDirBase directory for pre-generated data
ArchiveBaseUrlBase URL for pre-generated data
dot-flagOutliersFlag outliers in vectorized data
dot-plotOutliersPlot flagged outliers
dot-replaceOutliersReplace outliers with rolling median
dot-sampleGeneral table row sampling
example_pasExample Purple Air Synoptic dataset
example_patExample PurpleAir Timeseries dataset
example_sensorExample AirSensor Timeseries dataset
example_sensor_scaqmdExample AirSensor Timeseries dataset
getArchiveBaseDirGet data archive base directory
getArchiveBaseUrlGet data archive base URL
initializeMazamaSpatialUtilsInitialize MazamaSpatialUtils package
multi_ggplotDisplay multiple plots on one page
pa_checkAPIKeyCheck the validity and type for the provided 'api_key'.
pa_createGroupCreate a new group.
pa_createMemberCreate a new member within the specified group.
pa_deleteGroupDelete the specified group.
pa_deleteMemberDelete a member from the specified group.
pa_getGroupDetailRetrieve all members of the specified group.
pa_getGroupsListRetrieve all groups owned by the provided 'api_key'.
pa_getMemberDataRetrieve recent data for a single sensor in the specified...
pa_getMemberHistoryRetrieve historical data for a single sensor of the specified...
pa_getMembersDataRetrieve current data for all sensors in the specified group.
pa_getSensorDataRetrieve the latest data of a single sensor.
pa_getSensorHistoryRetrieve historical data for a single sensor.
pa_getSensorHistoryCSVRetrieve historical data for a single sensor as CSV.
pa_getSensorsDataRetrieve the latest data of multiple sensors matching the...
pas_addUniqueIDsAdd Unique Identifiers to PurpleAir Synoptic Data
pas_createNewCreate a new PurpleAir synoptic dataset
pas_downloadParseRawDataDownload synoptic data from PurpleAir
pas_enhanceRawDataEnhance synoptic data from PurpleAir
pas_filterGeneral purpose filtering for PurpleAir Synoptic objects
pas_filterAreaRectangle area filtering for PurpleAir Synoptic objects
pas_filterNearFind PurpleAir sensors within radial distance
pas_getColumnReturn column of data from filtered PurpleAir Synoptic...
pas_getDeviceDeploymentIDsReturn timeseries identifiers from filtered PurpleAir...
pas_getIDsReturn IDs from filtered PurpleAir Synoptic objects
pas_getLabelsReturn labels from filtered PurpleAir Synoptic objects
pas_hasSpatialTest for spatial metadata in _pa_synoptic_ object
pas_isEmptyTest for an empty _pa_synoptic_ object
pas_isPasTest for correct structure in a _pa_synoptic_ object
pas_leafletLeaflet interactive map of PurpleAir sensors
pas_loadLoad PurpleAir synoptic data
pas_paletteColor palettes for PurpleAir
pat_aggregateAggregate PurpleAir Timeseries Object
pat_aggregateOutlierCountsAggregate data with count of outliers in each bin
pat_createAirSensorCreate an Air Sensor object
pat_createNewCreate a new PurpleAir timeseries dataset.
pat_dailySoHDaily state of health
pat_dailySoHIndex_00State of Health index plot
pat_dailySoHIndexPlotDaily State of Health metric plot
pat_dailySoHPlotDaily State of Health metric plot
patData_aggregateAggregate PurpleAir Timeseries Data
pat_distinctRetain only distinct data records in pat$data
pat_downloadParseRawDataDownload time series data from PurpleAir
pat_dygraphInteractive time series plot
pat_externalFitLinear model fitting of PurpleAir and federal PWFSL time...
pat_extractDataFrameExtract dataframes from _pat_ objects
pat_filterGeneral purpose data filtering for PurpleAir Timeseries...
pat_filterDateDate filtering for PurpleAir Timeseries objects
pat_filterDatetimeDatetime filtering for PurpleAir Timeseries objects
pat_internalFitLinear model fitting of channel A and B time series data
pat_isEmptyTest for an empty _pat_ object
pat_isPatTest for correct structure in a _pat_ object
pat_joinJoin PurpleAir time series data for a single sensor
pat_loadLoad PurpleAir time series data for a time period
pat_loadLatestLoad PurpleAir time series data for a week
pat_loadMonthLoad PurpleAir time series data for a month
pat_monitorComparisonComparison of Purple Air and federal monitoring data
pat_multiPlotDisplay multiple plots on one page
pat_outliersDetect and replace time series outliers
pat_qcApply quality control on PurpleAir Timeseries object
pat_sampleSample PurpleAir time series data
pat_scatterPlotMatrixDraw a matrix of PurpleAir Timeseries data scatter plots
pat_trimDateTrim a PurpleAir Timeseries object to full days
pat_upgradeUpgrade PurpleAir Timeseries
pipePipe operator
PurpleAirQC_hourly_AB_00Apply hourly aggregation QC using "AB_OO" algorithm
PurpleAirQC_hourly_AB_01Apply hourly aggregation QC using "AB_O1" algorithm
PurpleAirQC_hourly_AB_02Apply hourly aggregation QC using "AB_O2" algorithm
PurpleAirQC_hourly_AB_03Apply hourly aggregation QC using "AB_O4" algorithm
PurpleAirSoH_dailyABFitDaily linear model fit values
PurpleAirSoH_dailyABtTestDaily t-test
PurpleAirSoH_dailyMetFitDaily fit values
PurpleAirSoH_dailyPctDCDaily DC Signal percentage
PurpleAirSoH_dailyPctReportingDaily reporting percentage
PurpleAirSoH_dailyPctValidDaily valid percentage
PurpleAirSoH_dailyToIndex_00Daily state of health index
pwfsl_loadGet PWFSLSmoke monitoring data
pwfsl_loadLatestGet PWFSLSmoke monitoring data
removeArchiveBaseDirRemove data archive base directory
removeArchiveBaseUrlRemove data archive base URL
SCAQMD_SENSOR_INDICESComma separated list of SCAQMD sensor indices.
scatterPlotMatrix scatter plot variables in a data frame
sensor_calendarPlotPlot time series values in conventional calendar format
SENSOR_DATA_AVG_PM25_FIELDSComma-separated list of fields needed to create a _pas_...
SENSOR_DATA_PM25_FIELDSComma-separated list of fields needed for PM2.5 data...
sensor_extractDataFrameExtract dataframes from _airsensor_ objects
sensor_filterData filtering for AirSensor objects
sensor_filterDateDate filtering for AirSensor objects
sensor_filterDatetimeDatetime filtering for AirSensor objects
sensor_filterMetaMetadata filtering for AirSensor objects
SENSOR_HISTORY_PM25_FIELDSComma-separated list of fields needed for PM2.5 data...
sensor_isEmptyTest for an empty _sensor_ object
sensor_isSensorTest for correct structure in a _sensor_ object
sensor_joinJoin airsensor objects from different time periods
sensor_loadLoad hourly-aggregated PurpleAir data
sensor_loadLatestLoad hourly-aggregated PurpleAir data for a week
sensor_loadMonthLoad hourly-aggregated PurpleAir data for a month
sensor_loadYearLoad hourly-aggregated PurpleAir data for a month
sensor_polarPlotPlot bivariate polar plots with guassian smoothing
sensor_pollutionRosePollution rose plot
setArchiveBaseDirSet data archive base directory
setArchiveBaseUrlSet data archive base URL
spatialIsInitializedCheck if MazamaSpatialUtils has been initialized
timeseriesTbl_multiPlotFaceted plot of a timeseries tibble
MazamaScience/AirSensor documentation built on April 28, 2023, 11:16 a.m.