suspect_benford: Provides a visual test of Benford's Law

Description Usage Arguments Value


Benford's Law fails Benford's Law is a theory which states that small digits (1, 2, 3) appear at the beginning of numbers much more frequently than large digits (7, 8, 9). In theory Benford's Law can be used to detect anomalies in accounting practices or election results, though in practice it can easily be misapplied. If you suspect a dataset has been created or modified to deceive, Benford's Law is an excellent first test, but you should always verify your results with an expert before concluding your data have been manipulated





a vector of class numeric


a ggplot image with frequencies of initial numerals plotted against the theoretical values given by Benford's Law

McCartneyAC/suspicious documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:06 a.m.