Man pages for McClellandLegge/netmathtools2
Automated NetMath Student Tracker

chartProgressChart the Student's Progress
composeMathableHandleCompose a Mathable Curl Handle
composeNexusHandleCompose a Nexus Curl Handle
decrpytChromeCookiesDecrypt the Chrome Cookies for Nexus
extractAssignmentExtract Important Assignment Information from JSON List
extractLatestEmailDateExtract the Latest Email From Student
extractStudentExtract Important Student Information from JSON List
extractStudentProgressExtract Student's Progress in a Course
getGradesGet a Student's Grades
getMathableCourseGet Mathable Course Information
getMathableNotebookGet the specifics of a notebook
getRequestExecute a GET request
getStudentsGet a Mentor's Students
getStudentsProgressGet Students' Progress
getTicketListRequest Student's Ticket Threads
getTicketMessagesRequest a Specific Student Ticket
McClellandLegge/netmathtools2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:31 a.m.