Man pages for McKayMDavis/aghelpR
Helper functions for osfr and Ag Department RBDC

concoct_directoryGet a directory of all nodes, files, and folders within a...
download_allDownload all data files from each project (in "Data" folder)...
get_admin_sheetRetreive Master Admin Project Sheet
get_all_file_linksGet all file links from project
get_configCreate authorization config (function from package osfr)
get_dataGet a data frame of csv files within a project component or...
get_dictionaryGet a dictionary (vector) of files, folders, or children...
get_node_urlGet url at the end of a file path. Helper function for...
login_to_osfLogin to OSF (Open Science Framework)
moveMove a file from one location to another using WaterButler...
move_to_projectsMove files from one location to another in OSF using a parent...
move_waterbutlerMove a file that is untouched from one component or folder to...
McKayMDavis/aghelpR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:08 a.m.