knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This example shows how to create and embed figures into an RTF file as below.


Below is an example with adjusted page orientation, figure height and width.


Overall workflow

The package allow user to embed multiple figures into one RTF document. The supported format is listed as below.


By using png file as an example, the workflow can be summarized as:

  1. Save figures into PNG format. (e.g. using png() or ggplot2::ggsave()).
  2. Read PNG files into R as binary file using r2rtf::rtf_read_figure().
  3. Add optional features using r2rtf::rtf_title(), r2rtf::rtf_footnote(), r2rtf::rtf_source().
  4. Set up page and figure options using r2rtf::rtf_page(), r2rtf::rtf_figure().
  5. Encode rtf using r2rtf::rtf_encode(doc_type = "figure"). (Note: it is important to set doc_type = "figure" as the default is doc_type = "table" to handle tables).
  6. Write rtf to a file using r2rtf::write_rtf().

For emf format, one may use the R package devEMF to create the figure.

Simple Example

# Define the path of figure
filename <- c("fig/fig1.png", "fig/fig2.png", "fig/fig3.png")

filename %>%
  rtf_read_figure() %>% # read PNG files from the file path
  rtf_title("title", "subtitle") %>% # add title or subtitle
  rtf_footnote("footnote") %>% # add footnote
  rtf_source("[datasource: mk0999]") %>% # add data source
  rtf_figure() %>% # default setting of page and figure
  rtf_encode(doc_type = "figure") %>% # encode rtf as figure
  write_rtf(file = "rtf/fig-simple.rtf") # write RTF to a file

Example with features

Features of page and figure can be set up in rtf_page and rtf_figure respectively:

The figure height and width can be set up for each figure in a vector. The code below provides an example for these features.

filename %>%
  rtf_read_figure() %>% # read PNG files from the file path
  rtf_page(orientation = "landscape") %>% # set page orientation
  rtf_title("title", "subtitle") %>% # add title or subtitle
  rtf_footnote("footnote") %>% # add footnote
  rtf_source("[datasource: mk0999]") %>% # add data source
    fig_height = 3.5, # set figure height
    fig_width = c(6, 7, 8) # set figure width individually.
  ) %>%
  rtf_encode(doc_type = "figure") %>% # encode rtf as figure
  write_rtf(file = "rtf/fig-landscape.rtf") # write RTF to a file

Merck/r2rtf documentation built on April 18, 2024, 11:51 a.m.