v.0.1.5 (2022-11-04)

Geography and plotting function expansion

Significant improvements in testing.

v.0.1.4 (2022-10-14)

theme_council() font patch

theme_council() now uses font family names on the machine to determine file names.

Previously, in order to use Council fonts like Helvetica Neue LT Std, the user must have installed the font family with a particular file name "HelveticaNeueLTStd-Cn.otf". Otherwise, if Helvetica Neue LT Std was installed using another file name, like "HelveticaNeueLTStd-Cn_0.otf", theme_council() would throw an error.

This patch examines the available font families and determines the file name from there, instead of requiring a single precise file name.

v.0.1.3 (2022-08-03)

New features

Dependency changes

General updates

v0.1.0.9000 (2020-10-21)

New functions

v0.1.0 (2020-05-26)

New functions


Metropolitan-Council/councilR documentation built on March 30, 2024, 2:43 a.m.