# include some code to make the figures have decent resolution
  echo = F, message = F, warning = F, results = "hide",
  fig.pos = "H"
  ,fig.width = 7, dpi = 300



This is how you turn an R markdown document in to a word document. Have your collaborators use track changes, and then you can see what text changes need to be brought back into the word document.

It is recommended to use this work flow with figure/table heavy work. If you are dealing with text-heavy documents, the need for ensuring updated figures and tables may be smaller and it may be easier to just export updated figures which can be plopped into a word document.

Anyways, please note the wordtemplate.docx file which puts a Met Council theme on this document.

Add automatic figure and table captions.

Maybe you want to reference a nice logo (Figure \@ref(fig:metc-logo)).


Or maybe you want to reference a table (Table \@ref(tab:example-table)). Flextable works here.

  mtcars %>%
  group_by(cyl) %>%
  summarise(`Average mpg` = mean(mpg),
            `Number of cars` = n()) %>%
  rename(`Number of cylinders` = cyl)
) %>%
  theme_zebra() %>%
  autofit(add_w = 0, add_h = 0) %>%
  set_table_properties(layout = "autofit") %>%
    set_caption("This is an example of a table.")

Look! You can even make the text smaller in flextable by including a fontsize argument (Table \@ref(tab:small-text-table)). Do note that for some reason, you must include the set_caption argument on flextable in order to get the references to work correctly.

  mtcars %>%
  group_by(cyl) %>%
  summarise(`Average mpg` = mean(mpg),
            `Number of cars` = n()) %>%
  rename(`Number of cylinders` = cyl)
) %>%
  theme_zebra() %>%
  autofit(add_w = 0, add_h = 0) %>%
  set_table_properties(layout = "autofit") %>%
  fontsize(size = 7, part = "all") %>%
    set_caption("Look, the text is smaller now.")



And then maybe it's time to pull in a discrete analysis contained in a different rmd.

Note, this "child" document started with heading level 2, so I just included the title above.

Metropolitan-Council/councilR documentation built on March 30, 2024, 2:43 a.m.