
# Can import_from_gis() actually import from the GISLibrary database?

# skip on GH Actions

# skip if not connected to VPN


testthat::test_that("gis_connection is exported", {
  testthat::expect_true("gis_connection" %in% ls("package:councilR"))

testthat::test_that("GIS connection returns connection object", {
  test_conn <- gis_connection(
    uid = httr2::secret_decrypt("QUHBRb_yoy2RRj59qno8NVXA7mW402xkins", "COUNCILR_KEY"),
    pwd = httr2::secret_decrypt("tsGlVlM0KBdLcUPNLX5f0Hll2_6HFF_rQx62cw", "COUNCILR_KEY")

  testthat::expect_s4_class(test_conn, "Microsoft SQL Server")

  airp_test <- DBI::dbGetQuery(test_conn, "SELECT * FROM AIRPORTS WHERE APNAME = 'Flying Cloud'")

  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(airp_test), 4)


# test return object attributes
testthat::test_that("airports spatial dataset", {
  airport <- import_from_gis(
    uid = httr2::secret_decrypt("QUHBRb_yoy2RRj59qno8NVXA7mW402xkins", "COUNCILR_KEY"),
    pwd = httr2::secret_decrypt("tsGlVlM0KBdLcUPNLX5f0Hll2_6HFF_rQx62cw", "COUNCILR_KEY"),
    query = "GISLibrary.dbo.AIRPORTS",
    dbname = "GISLibrary",
    .quiet = TRUE

  # test that all airports are included
  # there should be 14 airports
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(airport), 14)

  # test that object returned is an sf object
  testthat::expect_equal(class(airport)[[1]], "sf")

testthat::test_that("county ctu lookup table", {
  lookup_table <- import_from_gis(
    uid = httr2::secret_decrypt("QUHBRb_yoy2RRj59qno8NVXA7mW402xkins", "COUNCILR_KEY"),
    pwd = httr2::secret_decrypt("tsGlVlM0KBdLcUPNLX5f0Hll2_6HFF_rQx62cw", "COUNCILR_KEY"),
    query = "GISLibrary.dbo.CountyCTULookupTable",
    dbname = "GISLibrary",
    .quiet = TRUE

  # test that all airports are included
  # there should be 14 airports
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(lookup_table), 220)

  # test that object returned is an sf object
  testthat::expect_equal(class(lookup_table)[[1]], "data.frame")
Metropolitan-Council/councilR documentation built on March 30, 2024, 2:43 a.m.