
Welcome to the Regional Parks and Trails Equity Tool

A video user guide and a text user guide have been provided for this tool. If you have an unanswered question or need additional help using this tool or interpreting results, please contact Darcie Vandegrift for assistance. Please click on the individual tabs on the top to start using this tool. We suggest you use a desktop web browser for the best experience.

What this tool does

This interactive provides data—primarily census and Council data—on the characteristics of residents near parks and trails in the Twin Cities’ regional system. It provides a snapshot of who lives there today, and the population changes forecasted to 2040.

What this tool cannot do

Users can create valuable, data-driven analysis through this app. But our experience tells us that demographic data are most powerful when used as starting point. In other words, the census and Council data cannot substitute for engagement with prioritized stakeholders. The on-the-ground knowledge of agency staff and the community expertise of residents are also valued sources of information and enhance and refine the shared understanding of this data.

Who can use it?

We developed this interactive tool primarily for regional park agency planning, outreach, programming, research and other agency staff. It is available for anyone who wants detailed information about housing and demographic data surrounding the existing and future regional park system.

How you can use it

Why we built it

Thrive MSP 2040 directs the Council to collaborate with the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, regional park implementing agencies, and state partners to strengthen equitable use of regional parks and trails. Read more about this in the 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan Update or Thrive MSP 2040.

Metropolitan-Council/regionalparks.acs documentation built on Feb. 20, 2022, 2:10 p.m.