API for MiKatt/openSTARS
An Open Source Implementation of the 'ArcGIS' Toolbox 'STARS'

Global functions
assign_binIDs Man page Source code Source code
calcCatchmArea_assignNetID Man page Source code
calc_attributes_edges Man page Source code
calc_attributes_sites_approx Man page Source code
calc_attributes_sites_exact Man page Source code
calc_binary Man page Source code Source code
calc_catchment_attributes_rast Man page
calc_catchment_attributes_rast_rec Man page
calc_catchment_attributes_vect Man page
calc_catchment_attributes_vect_rec Man page
calc_edges Man page Source code
calc_offset Man page Source code
calc_outdist Man page Source code
calc_prediction_sites Man page Source code
calc_sites Man page Source code
check_compl_confluences Man page Source code
check_projection Man page Source code
check_ssn Man page Source code
correct_compl_confluences Man page Source code
delete_lakes Man page Source code
derive_streams Man page Source code
export_ssn Man page Source code
get_all_raster_values Man page
get_cats_edges_in_catchment Man page Source code
get_n_val_raster Man page
get_streams_edges_in_catchment Man page Source code
grass_v.to.db Man page Source code
import_data Man page Source code
import_vector_data Man page Source code
merge_sites_measurements Man page Source code
openSTARS Man page
prepare_sites Man page Source code
restrict_network Man page Source code
setup_grass_environment Man page Source code
watershed_memory Man page Source code
MiKatt/openSTARS documentation built on June 17, 2022, 5:08 a.m.