Man pages for MichaelFolkes/ctctools
Analytical tools For The Pacific Salmon Commission's Chinook Technical Committee.

adjustAlaska(SPFI) Sum SEAK CWT data
buildCMZfishery(ISBM/CYER) Build a mapping table to define a fishery group's...
build_jurisdictionCreate new jurisdiction data frame.
buildmodel.list(Calibration Performance) Automatic Creation Of argument List
build_stocks.keyCreate a new stocks.key data frame from *.STF files.
calc_AAPC(SPFI) Data imputation by the Accrued APC (AAPC) method.
calc_APC(SPFI) Data imputation by the Average Proportion Correction...
calcCYER(ISBM/CYER) Calculate CYER and its index.
calcCYERindexCalculate the Catch year exploitation rate index (CYER...
calc_Difference(SPFI) Calculate difference between distribution parameters...
calc_d.tsa(SPFI) Calculate the distribution parameters grouped by...
calc_fp(FP) Calculate fisheries policy (FP) scaler.
calc_GLMC(SPFI) Data imputation by the GLMC method.
calc_hcwt.ty(SPFI) Calculate the CWT harvest rate parameters grouped by...
calc_H.ty(SPFI) Calculate the AEQ stratum harvest rate parameters...
calc_H.ty2(SPFI) Calculate the AEQ stratum harvest rate parameters...
calc_H.ty3(SPFI) Calculate the AEQ stratum harvest rate parameters...
calc_H.y(SPFI) Calculate the AEQ fishery harvest rate parameters...
calc_H.y2(SPFI) Calculate the harvest rate parameters grouped by year.
calcIndexErrorCalculate errors of ISBM and CYER
calcMPEfreq(Calibration Performance) Frequency counts by MPE bin ranges.
calc_N.ty(SPFI) Calculate the abundance by fishery stratum and year.
calc_N.y(SPFI) Calculate the total yearly abundance across fishery...
calcPMs(Calibration Performance) Group Performance Measures
calcRanks(Calibration Performance) Rank Calculation
calc_SPFI(SPFI) Wrapper function to calculate the stratified...
calc_S.ty(SPFI) Calculate the stata specific harvest rate indices by...
calc_S.y(SPFI) Calculate the SPFI grouped by year.
calc_tsa.sum(SPFI) Sum CWT catch by fishery, stock, and age.
calc_T.ty(SPFI) Calculate the Pacific Salmon Treaty catch, grouped by...
calc_ty.sum(SPFI) Sum CWT catch by fishery, and year.
checkMissingfiles(HRJ) Check for matching B & C file names in the vector of...
cleanCMZClean *cmz.csv files for easy importing.
combinePTdata(ISBM/CYER) Combine the data from multiple .pt files.
ctctoolsctctools: Analytical tools for the Chinook Technical...
ctctools-deprecatedDeprecated functions in ctctools
fishery.defData defining each fishery.
importCatch.jonImport catch csv file made by Jonathan Carey.
importFCSCCC(Calibration Performance) Import FCS and CCC files
importTableOfDifferences(Calibration Performance) Import and combine tables of...
jurisdictionJurisdiction data for each stock
mergeFCSCCC(Calibration Performance) Merge FCS And CCC Data
minimizeDistributionMinimization to estimate distribution parameter
plotFCSCCC(Calibration Performance) Model Comparison Plots
plotFPAseriesPlot series found in *.fpa files.
plot_fpseries(FP) Plot time series of FP values.
plotPM(Calibration Performance) Lattice plot to compare PMs across...
read_BSERead BSE file
readCatchData(SPFI) Read the CTC catch data files (*.cat).
readCCC(Calibration Performance) Import checkCCC Files
readDataArchiveRead text files that are stored in a PBS archive format.
readFCS(Calibration Performance) Import FCS Files
read_FPARead FPA files.
readHRJAccessDatabase(HRJ) Read in data from the HRJ (MS Access) data base.
readHRJtext(HRJ) Read in and combine multiple HRJ text files.
read_mdlRead in mdl files of cwt recovery data.
read_modelstocklist.csvRead model stock list file.
readMortalityDist(ISBM/CYER) Import motality distribution CMZ (*.csv) files.
readPT(ISBM/CYER) Import one or more ISBM index (*.pt) files.
readPTfromstep11csv(ISBM/CYER) Import one or more ISBM index files, in step11...
read_stkfileRead in stk file of base period exploitation rates.
readStockData(SPFI) Read CTC stock file (stocfile.stf).
readTHECCCRead the model output CCC raw file ("THE" CCC file)
reshapeHRJtolong(HRJ) Reshape wide formatted HRJ file to long format.
reshapeHRJtowide(HRJ) Reshape HRJ data frame from long to wide format for...
stocks.keyData defining each stock.
sumPMs(Calibration Performance) Performance Measure Summation
tabulateMetrics(Calibration Performance) Tabulate Ranking
updateStockByName(HRJ) Add stock number to HRJ data frame based on its three...
writeCalibrationTable1(Calibration Performance) Write Table1 To csv
writeCalibrationTable3(Calibration Performance) Write Table3
writeCalibrationTable4(Calibration Performance) Write Table4
writeCalibrationTable5(Calibration Performance)
write_fpaWrite FPA text file
writeHRJAccessDatabase(HRJ) Write HRJ "B" & "C" tables to MS Access database.
writeHRJcsv(HRJ) Write HRJ "B" & "C" tables to csv (text) files.
writeModelListBuilder(Calibration Performance) Build, save, and open an R script...
writeScriptCalibrationTester(Calibration Performance) Build, save, and open an R script...
writeScriptFP(FP) Build, save, and open an R script to help execute FP...
writeScriptHRJ(SPFI) Build, save, and open an R script to help manage HRJ...
writeScriptISBM(ISBM/CYER) Build, save, and open an R script to help compare...
writeScriptSPFI(SPFI) Build, save, and open an R script to help execute...
writeSPFItable6.6(SPFI) Write csv file of summarized SPFI results.
writeSTFfileWrite .stf text file.
writeTableOfDifferences(Calibration Performance)
MichaelFolkes/ctctools documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:56 p.m.