Man pages for MichaelFolkes/forecastR_package
Forecast stuff

bootSeriesCreate bootstrap matrix from a single series
calcFCCalculate a forecast from a single statistical model
createBootsBootstrap and reformat raw data
doBootBootstrap to get a forecast interval
doRetroRun a retrospective evaluation.
doSampleFromIntGet a sample based on bounds in a FC object
fitModelGeneral Model Fitting Functon
fitModelandcalcFCFunction to apply fitModel() then calcFC(), and return the...
include.dependenciesInternal handling of dependencies
load_or_installPackage load or install and load
multiFCProcess multiple models and produce forecasts with summaries
plotBootSeriesPlot a Summary of Bootstrapped Series
plotModelFitPlot a model fit...
prepDataConvert from raw data structure
rankModelsCalculate age-specific and overall model rank.
reformatBootDataReformat bootstrapped input data to match normal format
seasplotSeasonal plots with simplistic trend/season tests
MichaelFolkes/forecastR_package documentation built on April 4, 2021, 5:14 a.m.