Activation | Activation Layer |
activation_identity | Identity Function For CNTK Operations |
all_devices | All Devices |
ArrayMixin | Array Mixin |
arraymixin_as_array | ArrayMixin As Array |
arrayview_from_data | ArrayView From Data |
arrayview_from_dense | ArrayView From Dense Data |
arrayview_slice_view | ArrayView Slice View |
as_block | As Block |
as_composite | As Composite |
asvalue | Value Form Matrix |
AttentionModel | Attention Model |
AveragePooling | Average Pooling Layer |
Base64ImageDeserializer | Base64ImageDeserializer |
BatchNormalization | BatchNormalization |
block_momentum_distributed_learner | Block Momentum Distributed Learner |
CheckpointConfig | New Checkpoint Config |
classification_error | Classification Error Between Target and Predicted |
CloneMethod | CloneMethod |
CNTKAxis | CNTKAxis |
CNTKCrosstalk | CNTK Implementation for Crosstalk |
comm_barrier | Communicator Barrier |
comm_current_worker | Communicator Current Worker |
comm_finalize | Communicator Finalize |
comm_is_main | Communicator Is On Main Node |
comm_num_workers | Number of Communicator Nodes |
comm_rank | Communicator Rank |
Communicator | New Communicator |
comm_workers | Communicator Workers |
Constant | Constant |
Conv2DArgs | Convolution2D Arguments |
Conv2DAttr | Conv2D Variable Attribute |
Convolution | Convolution |
Convolution1D | Convolution1D |
Convolution2D | Two Dimensional Convolutional Layer |
Convolution3D | Convolution3D |
ConvolutionTranspose | ConvolutionTranspose |
ConvolutionTranspose1D | ConvolutionTranspose1D |
ConvolutionTranspose2D | ConvolutionTranspose2D |
ConvolutionTranspose3D | ConvolutionTranspose3D |
cpu_descriptor | CPU Descriptor |
create_new_leading_axis | Create New Leading Axis |
Crosstalk | Crosstalk Base Class |
CrossValidationConfig | New Cross Validation Configuration |
ct_assign | Assign Crosstalk Value |
ct_compare | Compare Crosstalk Var |
CTFDeserializer | CTFDeserializer |
ct_fetch | Fetch Crosstalk Var |
ct_is_param | CNTKCrosstalk Var is Parameter |
ct_load | Load Crosstalk Vars |
ct_load_all_params | Load All CNTKCrosstalk Params From Files |
ct_load_raw_value | Load Crosstalk Raw Value |
ct_next_pass | Next Crosstalk Pass |
ct_register_funcs | Register Crosstalk Var Type Getter/Setters |
ct_reset | Reset Crosstalk Vars |
ct_save | Save Crosstalk Vars |
ct_save_all | Save All Crosstalk Vars |
ct_save_all_params | Save All CNTKCrosstalk Params to Files |
ct_set_data | Set CNTKCrosstalk Mapped Data |
ct_set_workdir | Set Crosstalk Working Directory |
ct_watch | Watch Crosstalk Variable |
data_parallel_distributed_learner | New Data Parallel Distributed Learner |
debug_model | Debug Model |
default_options | Default Options |
default_options_for | Default Options For |
default_override_or | Default Override Or |
default_sample_dir | Default Sample Dir |
default_sample_url | Default Sample URL |
Dense | Dense |
DeviceDescriptor | Create Device Descriptor |
DeviceKind | Create Device Kind |
disable_profiler | Disable Profiler |
DistributedLearner | Distributed Learner |
Dropout | Dropout |
dump_function | Dump Function |
dump_signature | Dump Signature |
edit_distance_error | Edit Distance Error |
EmbedAttr | EmbedAttr |
Embedding | Embedding |
enable_profiler | Enable Profiler |
eval_test_minibatch | Test Evaluator Minibatch |
Evaluator | Evaluator |
find_func_param | Find Parameter in Function - CNTKCrosstalk |
Fold | Fold |
For | CNTK Function For Loop Construct |
ForwardDeclaration | ForwardDeclaration |
func_backward | Propogate Function Backward |
func_clone | Clone Function |
func_eval | Evaluate Function |
func_find_all_with_name | Find All Functions With Name |
func_find_by_name | Find Function By Name |
func_forward | Compute Function Forward |
func_grad | Compute Function Gradient |
FuncInfo | Variable Setter/Getter Functions |
func_load | Load Function Model |
func_replace_placeholder | Replace Function Placeholder |
func_replace_placeholders | Replace Function Placeholders |
func_restore | Restore Function |
func_save | Save Function |
func_set_attribute | Set Function Attribute |
func_test | Test Function Model |
Function | CNTK Function |
func_train | Train Function Model |
get_all_axes | Get All Axes |
get_all_static_axes | Get All Static Axes |
get_communicator | Get Distributed Communicator |
get_default_batch_axis | Get Default Batch Axis |
get_default_dynamic_axis | Get Default Dynamic Axis |
get_default_override | Get Default Override |
get_global_option | Get Global Option |
get_gpu_properties | Get GPU Properties |
get_learning_rate | Get Learner Learning Rate |
get_logging_trace_level | Get Logging Trace Level |
get_minibatch_checkpoint_state | Get Minibatch Checkpoint State |
get_static_axis_index | Get Static Axis Index |
GlobalAveragePooling | GlobalAveragePooling |
GlobalMaxPooling | GlobalMaxPooling |
graph_depth_first_search | Graph - Depth First Search |
graph_find_all_with_name | Graph - Find All With Name |
graph_find_by_name | Graph - Find By Name |
HTKFeatureDeserializer | HTKFeatureDeserializer |
HTKMLFDeserializer | Base64ImageDeserializer |
ImageDeserializer | ImageDeserializer |
init_bilinear | Bilinear Initializer |
init_glorot_normal | Glorot Normal Initializer |
init_glorot_uniform | Glorot Uniform Initializer |
init_he_normal | He Normal Initializer |
init_he_uniform | He Uniform Initializer |
init_normal | Normal Initializer |
init_truncated_normal | Truncated Normal Initializer |
init_uniform | Uniform Initializer |
init_with_rank | Initializer With Rank |
init_xavier | Xavier Initializer |
install_samples | Install Samples |
is_default_override | Is Default Override |
Label | Label |
LayerNormalization | LayerNormalization |
Learner | Learner |
learner_momentum_sgd | Creates a Momentum SGD learner instance to learn the... |
log_number_of_parameters | Log Number of Parameters |
loss_binary_cross_entropy | Binary Cross Entropy Loss |
loss_cosine_distance | Cosine Distance Loss |
loss_cosine_distance_negative_samples | Cosine Distance NEgative Samples Loss |
loss_cross_entropy_with_softmax | Cross Entropy Loss with Softmax for Multiclass Classification |
loss_lambda_rank | Lambda Rank Loss |
loss_squared_error | Squared Error Loss |
loss_weighted_binary_cross_entropy | Weighted Binary Cross Entropy Loss |
MaxPooling | Max-Pooling Layer Factory |
mb_as_sequences | Minibatch Data As Sequences |
mb_stream_info | Minibatch Stream Info |
mb_stream_infos | Minibatch Stream Infos |
MinibatchData | MinibatchData |
MinibatchSource | Minibatch Source |
MinibatchSourceFromData | MinibatchSourceFromData |
module_is_unreleased | Module Is Unreleased |
mpi_communicator | New MPI Communicator |
native_user_function | Create Native UserFunction |
NDArrayView | Create an NDArrayView Instance |
ndcg_at_1 | NDCG at 1 |
next_minibatch | Next Minibatch |
on_train_cross_validation_end | On Training Cross Validation End |
op_abs | Absolute Value |
op_alias | Alias |
op_argmax | Argmax Across Axis |
op_argmin | Argmin Across Axis |
op_assign | Assign |
op_associative_multi_arg | Associative Multi-Arg |
op_batch_normalization | Batch Normalization |
op_ceil | Ceiling |
op_clip | Clip |
op_combine | Combine |
op_constant | It creates a constant tensor initialized from a numpy array |
op_convolution | Convolution |
op_convolution_transpose | Convolution Transpose |
op_cos | Element-wise Cosine |
op_dim_mean_variance_normalize | Per-dimension Mean-variance Normalization |
op_dropout | Dropout |
op_element_divide | Element-wise Division |
op_element_max | Element Max |
op_element_min | Element Min |
op_element_select | Element Select |
op_element_times | Element Times |
op_elu | Elu |
op_equal | Equal Comparison |
op_exp | Element-wise Exponential |
op_floor | Floor |
op_forward_backward | Forward-Backward |
op_gather | Gather |
op_greater | Element-wise Greater Comparison |
op_greater_equal | Element-wise Greater Equal Comparison |
op_hardmax | Hardmax |
op_input_variable | Create input for network |
op_labels_to_graph | Labels To Graph |
op_leaky_relu | Leaky Relu |
op_less | Element-wise Less Comparison |
op_less_equal | Element-wise Less Equal Comparison |
op_log | Element-wise Natural Log |
op_log_add_exp | Log Add Exp |
op_minus | Minus |
op_negate | Element-wise Negation |
op_not_equal | Element-wise Not Equal Comparison |
op_one_hot | Create One-Hot Encoding |
op_optimized_rnnstack | Optimized RNN Stack |
op_output_variable | Output Variable |
op_parameter | Parameter |
op_param_relu | Parametric ReLU |
op_placeholder | Placeholder |
op_plus | Addition of Two Tensors |
op_pooling | Pooling |
op_pow | Power Computation |
op_random_sample | Random Sample |
op_random_sample_inclusion_frequency | Random Sample Inclusion Frequency |
op_reciprocal | Element-wise Reciprocal |
op_reconcile_dynamic_axes | Reconcile Dynamic Axes |
op_reduce_log_sum_exp | Reduce Max Across Axis |
op_reduce_max | Reduce Max Across Axis |
op_reduce_mean | Reduce Mean Across Axis |
op_reduce_min | Reduce Minimum Across Axis |
op_reduce_prod | Reduce Prod Across Axis |
op_reduce_sum | Reduce Sum Across Axis |
op_relu | Rectified Linear Units Operation |
op_reshape | Reshape |
op_roipooling | Region of Interest Pooling |
op_round | Element-wise Rounding |
op_sigmoid | Element-wise Sigmoid |
op_sin | Element-wise Sine |
op_slice | Slice |
op_softmax | Softmax |
op_softplus | Softplus |
op_splice | Concatenate Across Axis |
op_sqrt | Element-wise Square-root |
op_square | Element-wise Square |
op_stop_gradient | Stop Gradient |
op_swap_axes | Swap Axes |
op_tanh | Hyperbolic tan |
op_times | Matrix Product |
op_times_transpose | One Element Times Another Transposed Element |
op_to_sequence | To Sequence |
op_to_sequence_like | To Sequence Like |
op_transpose | Transpose |
op_unpooling | Unpooling |
Parameter | Parameter |
PastValueWindow | Past Value Window |
printer_end_progress_print | Printer - End Progress Pring |
printer_log | Printer - Log |
printer_on_training_update_end | Printer - On Training Update End |
printer_on_write_distributed_sync_update | Printer - On Write Distributed Sync Update |
printer_on_write_test_summary | Printer - On Write Test Summary |
printer_on_write_test_update | any writer |
printer_on_write_training_summary | Printer - On Write Training Summary |
printer_on_write_training_update | Printer - Training Update on Write |
printer_write | Printer - Write |
ProgressPrinter | Create Progress Printer |
rand_bernoulli | Random Bernoulli Distribution |
rand_bernoulli_like | Random Bernoulli Like |
rand_gumbel | Random Gumbel Distribution |
rand_gumbel_like | Random Gumbel Like Distribution |
rand_normal | Random Normal Distribution |
rand_normal_like | Random Normal Like Distribution |
rand_uniform | Random Uniform Distribution |
rand_uniform_like | Random Uniform Like Distribution |
Record | Record |
Recurrence | Recurrence |
RecurrenceFrom | Recurrence From |
register_native_user_function | Register Native UserFunction |
register_udf_deserialize_callback | Register UDF Deserialize Callback |
reset_learning_rate | Reset Learner Learning Rate |
ResNetBlock | ResNet Block |
restore_mb_from_checkpoint | Restore Minibatch From Checkpoint |
restore_trainer_from_checkpoint | Restore Trainer From Checkpoint |
RnnArgs | RNN Variable Arguments |
RnnAttr | RNN Variable Attributes |
RRNStep | RNNStep |
save_as_legacy_model | Save As Legacy Model |
save_trainer_checkpoint | Save Trainer Checkpoint |
seq_broadcast_as | Broadcast Sequence As |
seq_delay | Delay Sequence |
seq_first | First Element of Sequence |
seq_future_value | Sequence Future Value |
seq_gather | Sequence Gather |
seq_input_variable | Sequence Network Input Variable |
seq_is_first | Sequence Is First |
seq_is_last | Sequence Is Last |
seq_last | Get Last Sequence Element |
seq_past_value | Get Past Sequence Value |
seq_reduce_max | Reduce Sequence Max |
seq_reduce_sum | Reduce Sequence Element Sum |
seq_scatter | Sequence Scatter |
seq_slice | Sequence Slice |
seq_softmax | Sequence Softmax |
sequence_to_cntk_text_format | Convert Sequence to CNTK Text Format |
Sequential | Sequential Higher-Order Wrapper for Layer Definitions |
SequentialClique | Sequential Clique |
seq_unpack | Sequence Unpack |
seq_where | Sequence Where |
sess_minibatch_size_schedule | Create a Minibatch Size Schedule |
sess_training_session | Create Training Session Object |
set_checked_mode | Set Checked Mode |
set_computation_network_trace_level | Set Computation Network Trace Level |
set_excluded_devices | Set Excluded Devices |
set_global_option | Set Global Option |
set_logging_trace_level | Set Logging Trace Level |
Stabilizer | Stabilizer |
start_profiler | Start Profiler |
stop_profiler | Stop Profiler |
StreamConfiguration | Stream Configuration |
StreamDef | StreamDef |
StreamDefs | StreamDefs |
StreamInformation | StreamInformation |
summarize_test_progress | Summarize Evaluator Test Progress |
summarize_training_progress | Summarize Training Progress |
tensorboard_close | Close Tensorboard |
tensorboard_flush | Flush Tensorboard |
TensorBoardProgressWriter | New TensorBoard Progress Writer |
tensorboard_write_value | TensorBoard Write Value |
TensorOpsMixin | TensorOpsMixin |
TestConfig | New Test Configuration |
test_minibatch | Test Minibatch |
TraceLevel | Trace Level |
Trainer | Trainer |
TrainingSession | New Training Configuration |
TrainingSummaryProgressCallback | Training Summary Progress Callback |
train_minibatch | Train Minibatch |
train_on_session | Train On TrainingSession |
transform_color | Color Transform |
transform_crop | Crop Transform |
transform_mean | Mean Transform |
transform_scale | Scale Transform |
try_set_default_device | Try Set Default Device |
UnfoldFrom | Unfold From |
unknown_dynamic_axes | Unknown Dynamic Axes |
UntestedBranchError | Untested Branch Error |
updated_record_with | Updated Record With |
use_default_device | Use Default Device |
userfunc_clone | Clone UserFunction |
userfunc_deserialize | Deserialize UserFunction |
userfunc_infer_outputs | Infer Outputs of UserFunction |
userfunc_serialize | Serialize UserFunction |
user_function | User Defined Function |
UserFunction | User Function |
UserLearner | UserLearner |
usermb_next_minibatch | UserMinibatch Next Minibatch |
UserMinibatchSource | UserMinibatchSource |
Value | New Value Instance |
value_as_matrix | Value As Matrix |
value_as_sequences | Get Value As Sequence of Matrices |
value_create | Create a Value Object |
value_one_hot | Value as One Hot |
Variable | Variable |
VariableMixin | Variable Mixin |
VarInfo | Variable Information |
visualize_network | Visualize Network Architecture |
WorkerDescriptor | New Distributed Worker Descriptor |
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