MaxPooling: Max-Pooling Layer Factory

Description Usage Arguments


Layer factory function to create a max-pooling layer. Like Convolution(), MaxPooling() processes items arranged on an N-dimensional grid, such as an image. Typically, each item is a vector. For each item, max-pooling computes the element-wise maximum over a window ("receptive field") of items surrounding the item’s position on the grid. The size (spatial extent) of the receptive field is given by filter_shape. E.g. for 2D pooling, filter_shape should be a tuple of two integers, such as (5,5).


MaxPooling(filter_shape, strides = 1, pad = FALSE, name = "")



int or list of int - shape (spatial extent) of the receptive field, not including the input feature-map depth. E.g. (3,3) for a 2D convolution.


(int or tuple of ints, defaults to 1) – stride of the operation. Use a list of ints to specify a per-axis value. integer defining length of stride


(bool or list of bools) – if False, then the operation will be shifted over the “valid” area of input, that is, no value outside the area is used. If pad=True on the other hand, the operation will be applied to all input positions, and positions outside the valid region will be considered containing zero. Use a list to specify a per-axis value. logical for whether or not the pooling operation should be shifted over the "valid" area of input


string (optional) the name of the Function instance in the network

Microsoft/CNTK-R documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:52 p.m.