
Defines functions str_to_upper_sel str_to_upper_sel_string str_to_upper_sel_elem

#' Capitalise a character if it is not in a vec1.
#' Capitalises an individual character if is
#' not in an exclusion vector. Only used in \code{str_to_upper_sel},
#' and not exported.
#' @param x character. Character to possibly capitalise.
#' @param vec1 character vector. Vector of characters to not
#' capitalise.
#' @return A character that is capitalised if it not in vec1,
#' and is not capitalised if it is in vec1.

str_to_upper_sel_elem = function( x, vec1 ){
  if( !( x %in% vec1 ) ) return( str_to_upper( x ) )

#' Capitalise all letters in a string except some.
#' \code{str_to_upper_sel} capitalises all letters in \code{x},
#' except for those specified in \code{vec1}.
#' @param x character. String to
#' @param vec1 character vector. Characters against which each individual
#' part of x is compared
#' @return A character string.
#' @examples
#' str_to_upper_sel( "abc", NULL )
#' str_to_upper_sel( "abc", c( "b", "c" ) )
#' @export

str_to_upper_sel_string = function( x, vec1 ){
  plyr::laply( str_split( x, "", simplify = TRUE ), function( y ){
    str_to_upper_sel_elem( y, vec1 )
  } ) %>%
    str_c( collapse = "" )

#' Capitalise all letters in a string except some using rename.
#' \code{str_to_upper_sel_rename}
#' @param x character vector. Character vector of column names.
#' Provided by rename.
#' @param vec1 character vector. Character vector of characters
#' to not capitalise.
#' @export
str_to_upper_sel = function( x, vec1 ){
  plyr::laply( x, function(x) str_to_upper_sel_string( x, vec1 ) )
MiguelRodo/VaccCompData documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 10:16 a.m.