Man pages for MiguelRodo/faustutils
Additional functions to extract and plot FAUST output

dot-collapse_popGet a searchable version of the marker levels
dot-get_faust_popFilter an expression matrix to return only cells matching one...
dot-get_pop_match_indGet indices of columns that have a specified annotation
dot-is_faust_ann_a_match_for_markerCheck if FAUST annotation has as given level for a given...
dot-is_faust_ann_a_match_popCheck if FAUST annotation has a given level for a set of...
dot-save_faust_popSave FAUST subset as an FCS file
get_faust_markers_and_levelsGet the number of levels used for each marker FAUST used to...
get_pop_countsGet counts of subsets identified by FAUST
plot_faust_countPlot counts of FAUST pops by sample
save_faust_popSave FAUST subset as an FCS file
trans_asinhCreate inverse hyperbolic sin transformation object
MiguelRodo/faustutils documentation built on March 26, 2021, 11:50 p.m.