A Study of t.test

The t.test piece is based on J.K. Kruschke's paper on Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the t-test (BEST).

BEST (Bayesian Estimation Supersedes t.test)

To do the t.test in bayesian way, is quite simple and straightforward too. Based on J.K. Kurschke's paper, draw samples from T Distribution. That's it. T

the toy mcmc

he detailed prior and likelihood setup, please see code in R/best.r

And of course, I have created another toy function bayes.t.test for independent two sample t.test.

bayes.t.test(x, y, nmc=20000, nbi=20000)

x ... the first group
y ... the second group

Here is the execution based on the toy mcmc simulation function I wrote above. To make it a bit more interesting, [here][3] is one of the million the caffeine study. I have uploaded the simulated results in data/caffeine.rda and also created an [tableau view][4].

x <- c(105, 119, 100, 97, 96, 101, 94, 95, 98)
y <- y <- c(96, 99, 94, 89, 96, 93, 88, 105, 88)
out <- bayes.t.test(x, y)
mean_diff <- out[, "mu1"] - out[, "mu2"]
hist(mean_diff, breaks=25)
abline(v=quantile(mean_diff, .025))
abline(v=quantile(mean_diff, .975))

acceptance = 1-mean(duplicated(out[])))


If you would like to run the simulation with MCMCpack, is the posterior sampling function (logged). I have an version published on Azure ML [here][1].


#Generate a sample
x <- rnorm(5, 0, 1)
y <- rnorm(5, 0, 3)

init <- c(mean(x), sd(x), mean(y), sd(y), 5)

mc.out <- MCMCmetrop1R(, theta.init=init, x=x, y=y, mcmc=20000, burnin=20000)


The easiest way to run the simulation is from [this][2] or install the BEST R package. This is the tool J.K.K used for his paper.


SAS has a PROC MCMC and it is quite straightforward to use though I have keyed in a lot numbers

ods graphics on;
proc mcmc data = caffeine outpost = out nmc = 20000 nbi = 2000
          diag = all
          monitor = (mu1 sigma1 mu2 sigma2 mu_diff log_nu)

    parms mu1 5 mu2 4 sigma1 2.14 sigma2 2.56 nu 5;

    prior mu1     ~ N(mu1, sd=2.34*1e3);                   /* pooled standard deviation */
    prior sigma1  ~ uniform(sigma1*1e-3, sigma1*1e3);
    prior mu2     ~ N(mu2, sd=2.34*1e3);                   /* pooled standard deviation */
    prior sigma2  ~ uniform(sigma2*1e-3, sigma2*1e3);
    prior nu      ~ expon(iscale=1/29);                    /* it is actually nu - 1 */

    mu_diff = mu1 - mu2;
    log_nu  = log(nu+1);

    model a ~ t(mu1, sd=sigma1, (nu+1));
    model b ~ t(mu2, sd=sigma2, (nu+1));

ods graphics off;

MikeXL/bayes documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 1:36 a.m.