mask_print: mask print methods for paintable dataframes

View source: R/mask_print.R

mask_printR Documentation

mask print methods for paintable dataframes


This function replaces the original paint methods for supported data.frame sub classes with calls to paint() in the current session. The utility of this is that paint() will be called whenever print() would, for example at the end of an expression when coding interactively.





This also makes paint usable with other tools that output to console e.g. {breakerofchains}.

If you really like paint() you could put paint::mask_print() in your .Rprofile.

By default a colourful reminder message is emitted whenever print methods are replaced, which may not happen until the package that contains them is actually loaded, e.g. after library(tibble). This can be disabled with options(paint_remind_mask_print = FALSE)


  • unmask_print(): the reverse operation to mask_print: return all print methods to defaults.

See Also

unpaint() A method for calling the default print functions once for a single object or .Last.value.

MilesMcBain/paint documentation built on Dec. 5, 2023, 9:11 a.m.