R42Api ======

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This package gives you different functions to interact with the 42 School API. At this stage, you have multiple options to create an Oauth2 token for your API requests.

Have a look at the api documentation for more infos


As this package is only useful for a few 42 students, it will surely never make it to CRAN. You'll need to use the devtools package to install it from Github.

# Install the devtools package

# Install the development version from GitHub:


Get your credentials

First thing first, you need to create your 42 application (see the Getting Started section of the documentation)


R42Api is connecting interactively, at your first connection you’ll be prompted to authorize R42Api in the browser. Your credentials will be cached across sessions in .httr-oauth.

You want to create an Oauth2.0 token to interact with the API. For that, you have two possibilities: - Use a JSON file with the needed credentials fields: uid, secret and redirect_uri

token_42 <- create42TokenfromJSON("/path/to/credentials.json")
token_42 <- create42Token(uid = YOUR_UID,
                          secret = YOUR_SECRET,
                          redirect_uri = YOUR_REDIRECT_URI)

I highly suggest you use the first method for scripts, because having credentials in your code is ALWAYS a bad idea. It's also the function used for testing purposes in TravisCI

Interact with the api

With this token, you can just use the httr package to interact with the API, by including the token in the config of your request:

# Load the httr library
# Get infos about yourself
req <- GET("", config = config(token = token_42))
# Check for an error
# Give you the content


TravisCI is using my own credentials for testing, and they are encoded using the travis client. Locally, you'll need to use your own to run the tests.

You will need to create two files in your inst/travis_login to pass the basic auth testing: - credentials.json: A JSON file containing your uid, your secret and your redirect_uri - .httr_oauth: A cached token, created by one of the two authentication function

No pull request will be accepted without unit-testing, update of NEWS and README (if necessary) files and a passing TravisCI build.

### Contributors - Milo Parigi - - Creator

MiloParigi/R42Api documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:16 p.m.