knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) # knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file())
library(data.table) library(xts) library(quantmod) library(fmlr) library(tseries) library(data.table) library(reticulate) library(here) library(future.apply) source(here("R", "import_data.R")) source(here("R", "features.R")) source(here("R", "outliers.R")) source(here("R", "parallel_functions.R")) source(here("R", "execution.R")) # python packages py <- reticulate::use_python('C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3')
import pandas as pd import mlfinlab as ml
# for performance plan(multiprocess)
# Import market_data <- import_mysql( contract = 'SPY5', save_path = 'D:/market_data/usa/ohlcv', trading_days = TRUE, upsample = FALSE, RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = 'odvjet12_market_data_usa', username = 'odvjet12_mislav', password = 'Theanswer0207', host = '' )
# Remove outliers market_data <- remove_outlier_median(market_data, median_scaler = 25) # Add features market_data <- add_features(market_data) # Remove constant columns (from market_data <- market_data[,!apply(market_data, MARGIN = 2, function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE) == min(x, na.rm = TRUE))]
# backcusum parameters backcusum_rolling_window <- 100 # backcusum roll bc_greater <- slider_parallel( .x =, .f = ~ { backCUSUM::BQ.test(.$std_10 ~ 1, alternative = "greater") }, .before = backcusum_rolling_window - 1, .after = 0L, .complete = TRUE, n_cores = -1 ) bc_less <- slider_parallel( .x =, .f = ~ { backCUSUM::BQ.test(.$std_10 ~ 1, alternative = "less") }, .before = backcusum_rolling_window - 1, .after = 0L, .complete = TRUE, n_cores = -1 )
# Extract value bc_rejection_greater <- unlist(lapply(bc_greater, function(x) x[['rejection']][4])) bc_rejection_less <- unlist(lapply(bc_less, function(x) x[['rejection']][4])) # Subsample market data and add backcusum test rejections market_data_sample <- market_data[(nrow(market_data) - length(bc_greater_rejection) + 1):nrow(market_data),] market_data_sample <- cbind.xts(market_data_sample, bc_rejection_greater = bc_rejection_greater, bc_rejection_less = bc_rejection_less) market_data_sample$rejection_test <- market_data_sample$bc_rejection_greater | market_data_sample$bc_rejection_less market_data_sample$return_sum <- roll::roll_sum(market_data_sample$returns, width = 3) market_data_sample$side <- create_signsC_2(market_data_sample$rejection_test, market_data_sample$return_sum) market_data_sample$side <- ifelse(market_data_sample$side == 0, -1, market_data_sample$side) market_data_sample <- na.omit(market_data_sample) table(market_data_sample$side)
# Filter data # cusum_events <- zoo::index(market_data_sample[market_data_sample$rejection_test == TRUE, ]) cusum_events <- zoo::index(market_data_sample[market_data_sample$side == -1, ]) # Prepare for python data_ml_py <- data_ml_py$target <- data_ml_py$close * 0.005
# Convert R objects to python objects data_py = pd.DataFrame(r.data_ml_py) data_py.index = r.data_ml_py['index'] data_py = data_py.drop(columns=['index']) cusum_events_py = r.cusum_events # Compute vertical barrier vertical_barriers = ml.labeling.add_vertical_barrier(t_events=data_py.index, close=data_py.close, num_days=1) # Labeling pt_sl = [1, 1] min_ret = 0.005 triple_barrier_events = ml.labeling.get_events(close=data_py.close, t_events=cusum_events_py, pt_sl=pt_sl, target=data_py['target'], min_ret=min_ret, num_threads=1, vertical_barrier_times=False, side_prediction=data_py.side) labels = ml.labeling.get_bins(triple_barrier_events, data_py['close']) labels.side.value_counts()
triple_barrier_events_ = triple_barrier_events.copy() triple_barrier_events_.side = 1 labels = ml.labeling.get_bins(triple_barrier_events_, data_py['close']) labels.head()
vertical_barriers_r <- function(t_events, close, num_days, num_hours, num_minutes, num_seconds) { # order events t0 <- t_events[order(t_events)] # turn numeric to timedelta num_days <- lubridate::days(num_days) num_hours <- lubridate::hours(num_hours) num_minutes <- lubridate::minutes(num_minutes) num_seconds <- lubridate::seconds(num_seconds) # define timedelta t1 <- t0 + num_days + num_hours + num_minutes + num_seconds # Find index to closest to vertical barrier nearest_index <- vapply(t1, function(x) which.min(abs(x - zoo::index(close))), numeric(1)) # Exclude indexes which are outside the range of close price index nearest_index = nearest_index[nearest_index < length(close)] # Find price index closest to vertical barrier time stamp nearest_timestamp = close[nearest_index] filtered_events = t0[1:length(nearest_index)] # convert to data frime vertical_barriers = = filtered_events, t1 = zoo::index(nearest_timestamp)) return(vertical_barriers) } vb <- vertical_barriers_r(cusum_events, market_data_sample$close, 1, 0, 0, 0) head(vb)
labels.head(10) triple_barrier_events.head(10) labels.tail(10)
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, classification_report, confusion_matrix, accuracy_score primary_forecast = pd.DataFrame(labels['bin']) primary_forecast['pred'] = 1 primary_forecast.columns = ['actual', 'pred'] # Performance Metrics actual = primary_forecast['actual'] pred = primary_forecast['pred'] print(classification_report(y_true=actual, y_pred=pred)) print("Confusion Matrix") print(confusion_matrix(actual, pred)) print('') print("Accuracy") print(accuracy_score(actual, pred))
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