Fatality Accident Reporting System Functions

Mastering Software Development with R, third course provides the functions using data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), which is a nationwide census providing the American public yearly data regarding fatal injuries suffered in motor vehicle traffic crashes to illustrate R package building process.

Functions Behind Functions

To this end, there are five functions that work to summarize and map FARS data. Three functions--make_filename, fars_read, and fars_read_years--are involved in reading FARS data for summarization and mapping. The workflow is as follows:

  1. make_filename function creates a filename that complies with FARS data files.
  2. fars_read function uses the name from make_filename and checks to see if that file exists in the path provided and if the file does exist, it reads the data into the environment. Otherwise, the function will throw an error message.
  3. fars_read_years function uses make_filename and fars_read functions and creates a "tibble" that represents Month-Value pair for the specified year.

The above workflow completes initial loading of data to be used for summary and mapping.

# Examples

Main Functions for FARS

The main functions are fars_summarize_years and fars_map_state. fars_summarize_years take in a year or vectors of years and produces a tibble that counts the number of incidents by month for the years specified. With this information fars_map_state graphically illustrates those incidents by utilizing additional data from the file (longitudes, lattitudes and state Id).

# Examples

MoRudyKim/farsfunc documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:54 p.m.