Man pages for MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/mobloc
Mobile phone location algorithms and tools

calculate_posteriorCalculate the estimated location of mobile devices
combine_raster_layersCombine raster layers to a single raster layer
compute_sig_strengthCompute signal strength
create_bbx_rectCreate a bounding box rectangle
create_coverage_mapCreate a best server map and a coverage map.
create_priorCreate a prior distribution
create_rasterCreate empty raster
create_strength_llhCreate signal strenth likelihood
create_voronoi_llhCreate Voronoi likelihood
dBW2dBmConverter functions
mobloc-packageMobile location algorithms and tools
move_cells_into_prop_directionMove cells into propagation direction
norm_dBlossSignal strength model functions
signal_strengthSignal strength
sig_strength_paramSet the mobloc parameters
update_pleUpdate path loss exponent values
update_posterior_TAUpdate posterior with Timing Advance
validate_cellplanValidate cellplan
ZL_cellplanCellplan data for Zuid-Limburg
ZL_elevationElevation data of Zuid-Limburg
ZL_landuseLanduse of Zuid-Limburg
ZL_muniMunicipalities of Zuid-Limburg
MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/mobloc documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 3:41 a.m.